Parler CEO John Matze Discusses Deplatforming and Big Tech Moves To Control Free Speech [Video]

Parler CEO

Sundance – The CEO of Parler, John Matze, appears on Fox News to discuss the targeting of the social media platform and the removal of their website from Amazon servers.

Obviously the issue of targeted deplatforming is one close to the current community of CTH 2.0 users and administrators after we suffered a similar targeting from WordPress/Automattic.  However, there is something about the Parler construct that is puzzling. Continue reading

Bankers Going for Broke Because They Know it’s Broke [Video]

GriffinGreg HunterEdward Griffin, author of the wildly popular book about the Federal Reserve “The Creature from Jekyll Island,” is holding a conference this weekend called “Red Pill Expo.” It is all about waking people up from the illusions they are being told.

Griffin explains, “The illusions are in health, in politics and in education. The illusions are in the media, in money and in banking, which is my specialty. So, people are coming, some of whom are informed, but most respond to the slogan we are using for the “Red Pill Expo,” and the slogan is ‘Because you know something is wrong.’

That sort of spells it out for most people, not just in America, but for people all over the world. People everywhere are being fed propaganda, lies and false stimuli of all kinds, but deep in their hearts, deep in their instincts, they know something is wrong.” Continue reading

News & Views From The Nefarium [Video]

Joseph P Farrell – Is Cuba to blame for the “sonic attacks” on American diplomatic personnel in Havana? Joseph doesn’t think so:

The damning evidence Cuba’s launched a sci-fi sonic weapon at America

(The following timeline of sonic weapons stories was compiled by Giza Death Star web developer Daniel DiGriz for our recent Members’ Area dialogues which included a discussion of this topic: Continue reading

The Book of Life – Elizabeth Beckett

“I’m reading this now. It’s very educative concerning ancient spirituality.” – Gillian Grannum

A remarkable new exploration into the spiritual mysteries of ancient Egypt delivering new perspectives and hoping to enlighten readers to the truth that lies within their own hearts.

“Life is a creation to allow love expression.”

bookInspired by her own journey to Egypt in 2006 which prompted numerous questions — which remained unanswered by the guide books — Elizabeth Beckett embarked on a journey of discovery into the history of ancient Egypt and the archaic halls of the Mysterie Schools that existed during the golden age of Egypt.

The Book of Life is the result of extensive research coupled with intuitive insight and provides an objective and graphical account of the main teachings from these schools. From the pyramids and hidden valleys of tombs, Beckett traces the Egyptian practices back to their ancestors from Atlantis as well as to times of extraterrestrial assistance. She uncovers the real beliefs of this fascinating civilization and the basis for its mystical rituals. A unique approach to ancient Egyptian mysticism, The Book of Life not only introduces the teachings of these institutions but also serves as a reminder that ancient Egypt existed for the spiritual advancement of humanity and highlights its continued importance today. Continue reading