Gamers Revolutionize A Microbial Evolution Study

Gamers Revolutionize Microbial Evolution StudyAman Tripathi – A new study published in Nature Biotechnology on April 15 has shown that gamers can significantly enhance scientific research.

Recently, as many as 4.5 million gamers across the world played a minigame within the popular title Borderlands 3, which helped map the evolutionary history of bacteria found within the human gut.

It can help scientists draw a “better tree” of bacteria living in our guts, which play a crucial role in maintaining health. The research also has the potential to gain new insights into how our diet, medications, and lifestyle choices influence our microbial communities. Continue reading

Redefining Liability: AI Tools and Legal Responsibilities

Redefining Liability: AI Tools and Legal ResponsibilitiesCharles Hugh Smith – AI is like the powerful character in an action movie who looks invincible until they turn around, revealing a fatal spear embedded in their back. The spear in AI’s back is the American legal system, which has been issuing free passes to tech companies and platforms for decades on the idea that limiting innovation will hurt economic growth, so we’d best let tech companies run with few restrictions.

The issuance of free passes to Tech monopolies / cartels and platforms may be ending. Letting Big Tech run with few restrictions has led to the smothering of innovation as tech monopolies do what every monopoly excels at, which is buy up potential competitors, suppress competition, pursue regulatory capture via lobbying and spend freely on deceptive PR. Continue reading

Practical Tips for Starting Your Closed-Loop Garden

Closed-Loop GardeningOliva Wilson – In sustainable living, closed-loop systems are increasingly recognized as the gold standard, and gardening is no exception. Surprisingly, despite its profound benefits, many gardeners have not prioritized establishing a closed-loop system in their gardening practices. This overlooks a critical opportunity: reducing reliance on external resources can significantly lessen our environmental impact while cultivating a flourishing garden.

What is Closed-Loop Gardening?

Closed-loop gardening is a self-sufficient gardening system with minimal external inputs. This method harnesses natural processes such as sunlight and rain, supplemented only by your own time and effort. A closed-loop garden functions in harmony with nature, utilizing internal resources for its own sustenance and regeneration. Continue reading

The Eugenics Agenda: Unmasking the Truth Behind Euthanasia

Nicholas Creed – The depopulation agenda is so overt once you become attuned to every sinister malevolent governmental act always posing as a ‘greater good’ – doctors and nurses stealthily coming for the mentally, physiologically, and emotionally vulnerable – like smiling assassins offering medically assisted dying.

The core tenet of the depopulation agenda has always been to make people want their own demise. Convince people that our earthly resources are finite and that overpopulation is an existential threat to humanity. Once this seedling takes route in the brain stem of a free-willed human being who is indifferent to evil – they knowingly or unknowingly choose evil. Not only do they then want their own demise, but they see humanity as a cancer on the planet. Continue reading

BlackRock’s Dominance: From Food to Military Contracts

Sean Adl-Tabatabai – Robert F. Kennedy Jr. has warned that BlackRock, the world’s biggest asset management corporation, secretly controls both political parties in America.

“BlackRock owns the processed food companies that are poisoning us, and they own the pharmaceutical companies that are making $4.3 trillion a year…treating the chronic disease that’s being caused by BlackRock’s other group of companies,” Kennedy declared on the “Rubin Report” Sunday. Continue reading