So You’ve Woken Up…Now What?

life after awakeningZen Gardner – Many people ask about this or something similar so here’s some thoughts on the subject. I don’t mean to tell anyone what to do, as that’s completely contrary to consciousness and conscious development, but I will share my understandings at this point and my passion for Truth and you can do what you like with it.

Question: “What do you say to people who have woken up but can’t leave the system because of family and friends?”

This and those like it pose a very broad question since we’re all different and need to be led of our own convictions. However, the answer is fundamentally similar in every case. Continue reading

The Hidden Government

Shift Frequency disclaimer:  Please note that while this article points to the very real machinations of a few, very powerful members of the Ashkenazi sect, not all Jews who identify as Ashkenazi are responsible for the acts described below. These innocent individuals are no more responsible for what has unfolded on Planet Earth than ALL whites being tagged, for example, as “racist” or ALL of ANY group being whatever it is that the Group has been targeted with doing or being.

Khazarian MafiaMichelle Walling – There is a shadow government that runs the world through the control of its wealth. At the top are 300 financiers of 13 dynastic families, generational Satanists, Masters of Lodges, aristocracy and descendants of the Khazarian people. In 710 A.D., the Khazarians lived in the land-locked area between the Black Sea and Caspian Sea near the Caucasus Mountains.

They practiced a form of idol worship but converted, as a matter of convenience, (as a group) to Judaism. They are the descendants of the Babylonians of ancient Sumeria. They are the present-day Ashkenazi Jews, are Caucasian and speak Yiddish. Their sacred teachings are the Talmud. The historical Jew was African and spoke Hebrew. His sacred teaching was the Torah. Continue reading

The Art of Jumping Timelines

Tom Kenyon

The Hathors  – Although it may seem paradoxical to some, your timeline—your life—is only one of many simultaneous possibilities. And it is quite possible, indeed it is your birthright, to alter your timeline and the potentials of your life.

Your culture, for various reasons, has hypnotized you into believing that you are limited to one timeline. In this message we shall endeavor to discuss our understanding of timelines and how you can change them.

Whenever there is an increase of chaotic events, there is a convergence of multiple timelines. Due to the fact that your planet has entered a Chaotic Node and is experiencing ever-increasing levels of chaos, there is also an increase in what we call time nodes. Continue reading

Navigating New Dimensions and Timelines

energy flowAluna Joy Yaxkin –  Something strange has been happening, and if you have noticed this, you have been experiencing a REAL PHYSICAL, dimensional re-alignment. The last couple of months have been really challenging.

I like to think of this as a cosmic fire walk. We have traveled through the 20 core days in the Mayan calendar, magnified by 6 planets that were working backwards, while we strived really hard to live forward.

We are much stronger for this huge initiation, and we should feel lighter and more solid than we have in months… and it is only going to get lighter as summer progresses. If you have felt this fire walk, I hope that what I share next will make sense to your journey

As most of you know, I am a clairvoyant / oracle, or whatever woo woo title we want to call it. All my life I have relied on my ability to see without using my five senses. But in these days, I have been literally beside myself.

When I closed my eyes, I have been feeling things that were not there. It could have been things that were just there, and had just moved; Or things that were about to move into that space, and I was perceiving them ahead of time.

I felt like I was outside of myself. So everything I would see or feel felt like it was just a little out of sync with where I was physically. I felt like I was between dimensions or waffling back and forth between the two at once.

This made me feel really uncomfortable and was quite unnerving. Even as I struggle to find the right words to explain this experience, I am still not quite hitting the point. So I hope that I haven’t lost you already, and you continue to read this rambling, because it is going somewhere.

I will try to explain more here with a simple example…

I could feel my dog Comet jump up on the bed and lay down next to me. When I opened my eyes, he wasn’t there. This was quite startling to me, because I really did feel him jump up on the bed.

I was feeling this with my physical body, and not just my intuitive senses. I felt like I was a little bit out of sync with my physical world. The world felt like it was skipping in a jerking-like fashion.

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Seven Shocking Things That You Almost Certainly Didn’t Know

Eastern apse of the Cathedral of Spire, Germany (c. 1100)

Paul Rosenberg – “You need to tell people about all the interesting things in your subscription letter,” one of my oldest friends told me. “We do,” I said. “We list them on the site and we even have a free report to get them started.”

“Not enough,” she replied curtly. “Do more.”

So, today I’ll take my friend’s advice and explain seven things that simply aren’t taught, that simply are true, and that make a huge difference in how we view the world. I won’t be able to go into detail like I do in the monthly letters of course, but I think I can give you the crux of them fairly well. Here we go:

#1: The “Dark Ages” were a liberation.

Forget Monty Python and the Holy Grail (and let’s be honest, probably half of us got our “Dark Ages” images from it); actual life after Rome was a tremendous release. The great tyranny collapsed and dissolved, agricultural production rose, average lifestyles improved, new technologies came into use, fine crafts continued and often improved, and even literature thrived. (Yes it did, and we have proof!)

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