How to Change Your Life for the Better

“Life will only change when you become more committed to your dreams than your comfort zone.” -Billy Cox


Self Development Secrets – You have all of these beautiful ideas floating around in your mind when it comes to the things you want to do with your life but all too often we let things like fear of failure get in the way of bringing our dreams to physical form. We all know someone in our lives who talk endlessly about all the things they’re going to do but they never actually do them… This could be a family member, a friend, or maybe it’s you.

Changing Your Life

What makes change so scary is that it puts us in a state of not-knowing. If we want to change our career, for example, we may be scared because we’re leaving a stable position in pursuit of a passion that may take some time before it pays off. In fact, in the back of your mind, you may think that it will never pay off. This is terrifying! But if you never try you’ll be locked into a different state of not-knowing. A kind of state where you’re always wondering about what could be.

The question is: Which is worse? Taking a risk and not knowing if it’s going to turn out as you hoped, or playing it safe and not knowing whether or not you could be doing something more meaningful with your life.

If you’re looking to facilitate change within your life, you can take comfort in the fact that not every idea that we have for you here is radical. You don’t have to run out and quit your job or move to another country to change your life in significant ways. In fact, most of the most significant changes that take place in our lives result from small actions that end up laying the groundwork on which our dreams have been built upon. Read on to find out exactly how you can go about changing your life for the better, starting today.

Ask Yourself the Questions No One Wants to Ask Themselves

We ask ourselves many questions throughout the course of our day like – what’s for dinner? Or, what should I wear today? But we tend to avoid the more complicated questions that we know have answers that are hard for us to face. Why? Because they show us the truth. When you are wanting to change your life for the better, the truth is typically not what we want to hear. The truth makes us aware of how far we have to go in order to create the life we want to be living- and you have to face the facts if you want things to change.

Take some time to sit down and ask yourself these questions to get a feel for more specific areas of your life that you want to change. Be honest with yourself and know that by telling yourself the truth you are taking the first step in facilitating change. Remember, you can’t get to where you want to be if you don’t know where you want to go.

♦  What is your purpose?

♦  Are you living it?

♦  Are your actions exemplifying your values and beliefs?

♦  Are you growing and learning or experiencing stagnancy?

♦  Are you doing the things that matter to you?

♦  When is the last time you took a chance?

♦  Are you satisfied with the life you’re living?

Grab a sheet of paper and a pen. Write down your answers to all of these questions and put the date at the top. Keep it around to use as a reference and base decisions you make throughout your day off of what you wrote down on that sheet of paper. As you start to make decisions with your purpose and personal satisfaction in mind, you’re bound to be surprised by how quickly your life changes.

Take Control of Your Life

No one is going to bring you the life of your dreams on a silver platter. The world is yours for the taking but here’s the thing- you’ve got to take it. Start to run your life as an entrepreneur would run his/her business. This means making the tough decisions you need to make and assessing specific risks that need to be taken in order to have the best shot at achieving success.

Tell Yourself You Can Do It, Because You Can

Continue reading . . .

SF Source Self Development Secrets Aug 2018

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