The End Days of a Collective Cycle: Astrology Forecast December 9–16, 2018

chironLorna Bevan – A 50 year collective cycle enters its last weeks on Sunday December 9th, as the last and master degrees of the world chart.

If you’re old enough, think back to Spring 1968 and the shift in the zeitgeist. If you were born around then, you’re experiencing your Chiron Return — a watershed season of coming to terms with your past before facing the last third of life in a new way.

Centaur Chiron is the Shaman, the bridge builder, the pattern maker and the medicine for your Achilles Heel — your primal wound. Chiron functions as a holographic influence; its role is to promote wholeness, balance and integration in an era of fragmentation and radical imbalance. Such is the nature of the Centaurs. They represent raw impulses and needs in you that clash with the normal order of things, as if they were all sick. They appear to be coming from the opposite side of the Sun, from the “otherness” of our lives, making you face a lost part of yourself, so that the experience becomes both intense and healing, making you more whole. However, it also makes you very fragile and vulnerable, so that it is the cure and its opposite at the same time.

The final degrees of Pisces symbolise the alpha and omega; the end and the beginning; the dragon swallowing its own tail. Between December 9th and February 19th, 2019, when Chiron crosses the World Axis into Aries, watch as old time-lines delete, karmic debts have to be repaid and a distinct and rapidly growing collective intolerance for the destruction of the planet and polarized systems of government makes itself known.

In your own life, cleanse and remove any toxic self-sabotaging habits especially old repetitive patterns of people pleasing. The sacred geometry of the Grand Trine in Water between Chiron, Jupiter and the Node of Fate is all about Direct Knowing, so wherever you are uncomfortable or inflamed or sore, do something physical to heal the split between you and the wound.


The Chandra Symbol 27 Pisces: A Ritual Sand Painting

“Earth magic works upon the imagination to turn around old patterns and lost worlds by seeing it all with a different pair of eyes. Those who stayed in a trance of automatic repetition, a regressive loop, are crying out for soul retrieval, searching for whole new ways to feel and experience the way the energies move. Everything depends upon how you hold it, the field of assumptions and yearnings. For there is a tremendous ability here to follow a subtle track right through the middle of the lingering trances into a heightened experience of what this has all been about for so long. Searching for a deeper path through, learning it is there and not being able to carry forward any other way.”

Aries Weekly Forecast: December 9–16, 2018

Walking your talk is not optional.

At first sight, you seem to be faced with two opposite and competing areas for your attention. The pinnacle of your chart — your career zone — is being activated by the two reality planets Saturn and Pluto-a once in a lifetime transit. Simultaneously, shaman Chiron is hovering just out of conscious contact in the deepest part of your chart preparing to cross into your sign in February 2019 for the first time in 50 years. The demands of how you earn your living need not be divorced from your spiritual life- as if they are entirely separate concepts. What you need now to navigate 2019 and 2020’s rapids is a code — your own code of core values that you shape your choices and your life around.

Taurus Weekly Forecast: December 9–16, 2018

Clue: it’s all about switching from outside/in thinking to inside/out thinking.

As two transpersonal points hover at the edges of your awareness, there is a sense — albeit subliminal — that something big is on your horizon. It’s a strange, unsettling but exciting feeling of approaching a personal threshold or tipping point. On Sunday, shaman Chiron turns forward on the cusp of your 11th and 12th. Houses, nudging you over and over to overhaul and upgrade your top priorities to fit who you are now ahead of several years of inner exploration. At the same time awakener Uranus is on the cusp of your 12th and 1st. Houses, sending you lightning bolts of fresh insights which could turn your life in a radically new direction.

Gemini Weekly Forecast: December 9–16, 2018

Trusting your own guidance.

You’re experiencing something of a watershed moment when many old internal and external restrictions are being removed and you are left face to face with knowing that you are free to create a different way of life. Yet sometimes, when the cage door swings open, the bird refuses to fly away into the unknown. On Sunday 9th, centaur Chiron turns forward in your axis of purpose preparing to leave you with a parting gift direct from the Galactic Centre or noosphere. This is a direct Knowing that you’re attuned to the cosmic homing signal and receiving its downloads loud and clear. So instead of trying to control the future, all you have to do is let the next right step appear and take it.

Cancer Weekly Forecast: December 9–16, 2018

A mystery tour.

This is a time to trust your instincts, intuition and sensory acuity as never before. With the Node of Fate — now in Cancer for the first time since 2001 bringing wild card eclipses in 4 weeks’ time — beautifully aligned with Mercury, Jupiter and Chiron, the insights will arrive thick and fast. Shaman Chiron turns forward on Sunday 9th on the pinnacle of your chart. Not since 1968 have you had such an opportunity to uncover your purpose. For the next few weeks, the signals will be subtle but follow the clues — unexpected meetings and encounters, dreams, the right book at the right time-and track those inklings.

Leo Weekly Forecast: December 9–16, 2018

Keep it lean, clean and simple.

Now that Mercury has turned forward and the fiery New Moon has lifted your spirits, you’re on track for the festive season. That doesn’t mean you should take your eye off the ball as new opportunities are on the horizon. On Sunday 9th, shaman Chiron turns direct at the end of your money zone aligned with generous Jupiter and the Node of Fate. Think back over the last seven years since 2011 and your financial learning curve. What has been your biggest understanding? Take that lesson and apply it now to your transactions and your bottom line in preparation for the extreme contractive energy of 2019.

Virgo Weekly Forecast: December 9–16, 2018

Soul retrieval.

You have planetary support to break free of some of your most deeply entrenched restrictive or self-sabotaging patterns and beliefs. Since 2011 shaman Chiron has been travelling through your relationship zone, revealing old wounds, fears and defence mechanisms, so that you could see them in the light of day and allow them to heal. This Sunday, the centaur turns forward preparing to move on, leaving you a parting gift- a sudden insight that those limitations you thought were yours don’t belong to you but to old family patterns. The moment you understand that you can walk away is when you are free and clear.

Libra Weekly Forecast: December 9–16, 2018

A change of perspective.

The great wheel of time moves round, taking you into some uncharted territory. For the last few seasons, you’ve been struggling to hold on to what little security you thought you had, so much so that you forgot to lift your head and scan the horizon. With reality planets Saturn and Pluto entrenched at the pinnacle of your chart in your career zone, some of your long-held dreams need to bite the dust, freeing you up to take radically different opportunities for a more congruent way of life. Meanwhile shaman Chiron is turning forward in your zone of service-your medicine is to turn your focus away from yourself and start adding value for others.

Scorpio Weekly Forecast: December 9–16, 2018

Base everything on your core values.

With Trickster Mercury now moving forward in your own sign, you can breathe a sigh of relief. The dust he kicked up in the last week has led to uncharacteristic frustration, uncertainty and confusion. Reframe it as a pause for thought and move on. Not for twelve years have you had such planetary support for your finances and you need to squeeze every last drop of juice out of it. With both the Sun and Jupiter expanding your horizons and your ambitions, it’s all about thinking big and putting some wildly impossible goals into your future timeline. Don’t worry about reality checks as you create your blueprint — they are built in to 2019.

Sagittarius Weekly Forecast: December 9–16, 2018

Removing a block to your happiness.

As a solar Sagittarian, right now you have two bright beacons available as guidance — Jupiter and Chiron. Jupiter is in your own sign, nudging you to get out of your comfort zone and go for your most heartfelt desires while shaman Chiron is turning forward in your zone of home, family and belonging. This has been a 7 year transit which has created upheavals, splits and separations in your personal life. Now, he’s leaving you a parting gift. If you pay attention, you can see how your overriding desire for independence has been at odds with your need to belong and to matter. It’s time to rebalance and stop sending mixed messages.

Capricorn Weekly Forecast: December 9–16, 2018

Your mind is a projector, not a camera.

Are you feeling an increasing desire to cut loose at the same time as wanting to hang on to your security? The reality planets Saturn and Pluto in Capricorn are acting as change agents by removing one by one the pillars you’ve been thinking of as your identity. At the same time, awakener Uranus in the deepest part of your chart is stirring up old abandoned dreams and making you restless for new challenges. The central issue here is your fear of losing control and it’s leaving you clinging to the river bank while the world moves on. Once you see — really see — that security is an illusion, a defence mechanism, you may as well let go and go with the flow.

Aquarius Weekly Forecast: December 9–16, 2018

The future is wide open.

If you think back over the last 18 months or so, you’ll notice that the central issue you’ve been grappling with has been about the degree of personal freedom you can claim. This is becoming clearer and clearer and, as shaman Chiron turns forward on the cusp of your communication zone, you finally understand that much of what you thought was your stuff to deal with was, in fact, your parents’ or family ancestral baggage. Put it down, leave it by the side of the road and walk on. As you realise that you are wildly and terrifyingly free to live as you choose, ask yourself:” What if life has far bigger ideas for me than I do?”

Pisces Weekly Forecast: December 9–16, 2018

Just rewards.

Cast your mind back to 2011 and notice how you have changed and grown. That was when shaman Chiron entered Pisces to excavate your wounds, defence mechanisms and insecurities to bring them to your awareness so you could heal. Sounds fine in theory but challenging and painful in reality. Happily, Chiron turns forward on Sunday 9th at the very end of your sign, beautifully aligned with expansive Jupiter in your career zone. Now you can gather all your hard won experience, resilience and resourcefulness into an irreplaceable set of qualities and skills which will let you pick and choose where to invest your time and talent in 2019.

SF Source Wake Up World Dec 2018

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