New Moon in Scorpio The Creative Spark of a Distinct New Phase

lifeSimon & JenniferThe Full Moon in Taurus on October 23 brought a distinct change in perspective as our focus shifted from transcending illusions (negative) to actualizing the will of our highest Self (positive). Since this time, we have begun to intentionally and meaningfully manifest our truth and authenticity in everything we say, do, create and be, as we learn to let our unique inner light guide every aspect of our lives.

Now, as the New Moon in Scorpio begins a new lunar cycle, we are journeying deeper into this process of authentic manifestation — specifically, we are being called to transmute our destiny and consciously manifest a future far greater than the one we have inherited. The beginning of a distinct new phase in our personal lives, this is a time to break down the inheritance of our past — the beliefs, boundaries and ways of being that we passively inherited from generations before us — to choose a new path, and to actively transform our path toward a new and better future.

Let’s look at the astrological energy patterns that are reflecting our evolution during this current lunar cycle.

The Rising Sun

Mars in Aquarius square the Sun, Moon and Jupiter in Scorpio; Pluto in Capricorn square Venus in Libra.

The evolutionary pulse of this energy alignment reflects to us big energetic shifts and a high degree of creative energy.

With Mars forming a square aspect the Sun and Moon, a deep creative and transformative pulse is being brought through. This energy expresses itself in two ways: Firstly this energy supports the liberation from old forms and outdated attachments that no longer serve the evolutionary purpose of any creative direction; secondly, this energy will also bring about a deep driving force, manifesting a new creative spark that ignites life into form.

With Jupiter at the 29th degree of Scorpio, the energy is highly amplified and holds the potential to expand our creative life-force in any direction.

Pluto and Venus are also in a square formation to each other, which is helping us regenerate new relationship patterns. This will support the ongoing shift in awareness from working on self-actualization to establishing and structuring a self-sustainable ecosystem in which we can integrate our new values, inspiration and sense of self awakened destiny.


North and South Nodes move into Cancer/Capricorn, Uranus moves back into Aries. Venus retrogrades back into Libra and Uranus in Aries square the North and South Nodes.

Big changes are taking place alongside the New Moon energy. After an 18-month long transit of the North and South Nodes through the opposing signs of Leo/Aquarius, the Lunar Nodes are shifting into the opposing signs of Cancer/Capricorn. Briefly, this transition represents for us a completion cycle: the clearing of subconscious traumas (Aquarius) and anchoring deep feelings of self-actualisation into our lives so we can live out our sense of personal destiny.

Now that the Nodes of are shifting, so will our attention. What this will bring over time (Capricorn) is a shift in personal and collective identity. The signs Cancer/Capricorn reflect the energy of integration and redirection, and the work shaped by this new frequency will need to be slow and consistently integrated.

The fascinating thing about the Nodes shifting is that Uranus will also be squaring the Nodes at the exact same degrees. With Uranus now shifted back into Aries, we now have 3 cardinal signs activated, all at the 29 degree mark. The meaning of this is tied into the square formation Venus is making to all of these 3 points; reflecting to us that as we move forward we must integrate our new values into the structures we are forming. This way the organization of our communities will be reformed on new social values.

A Brand New Way

The Sun and Moon in Scorpio trine Neptune in Pisces and sextile Pluto in Capricorn; Mars in Aquarius trine Venus in Libra; Jupiter in Scorpio trine Chiron in Pisces and trine the North Node in Cancer.

The supporting cast for this for this New Moon reflects to us the transition from deep inner exploration to outer self-expression and action.  We have available to us the profound sensitivity to access incredible levels of inspiration, insight and clarity. As they infuse themselves with the other energetic alignments outlined above, these alignments are showing us that we have a new way of being available to us. But, in order to manifest our dreams we have to have the conviction in our hearts to follow our path and bring our destiny to fulfillment.

When the alignments accompanying today’s New Moon are considered in totality, their simple gift is the invitation to look beyond our perceived choices and what we think we know, and imagine what is possible. Beginning to believe in yourself is the first step in opening up your unique gifts, and from this space, manifestation and cultivation of your truth can thrive. This will eventually begin to open you up to new possibilities and opportunities for transformation and evolution. The seeds of great potential are being laid during this New Moon cycle, beginning a distinct new phase in our personal lives.

The New Moon’s Message: Transmuting Our Inheritance

Although we often seem choice-less to the effects of our life, the truth is that we are gifted a choice in every step we take along this life journey. The choices however take place in the depths of our being, before our mind is able to give a story to the situation, and before we are presented with possible outcomes. These choices, that are made in the depths of our being, have a tremendous effect on the outcomes in our lives as everything that unfolds will follow the trajectory of that chosen path.

We live in a reality that is the manifestation of our collective choices. The world as we know it is the representation of what we individually have chosen for ourselves and how we have chosen to relate to every aspect of our life and reality. And although we are now being asked to assume responsibility for our choices, and to become consciously aware of our future ones, we are not to condemn ourselves for what was created from our collective unconsciousness in the past, but merely to embody active participation in our future — this way we can transmute that past into a new future.

In the deep cells of our bodies we hold an inherited trajectory — a continuation of the path that we were born into. It’s not difficult to see where that path is leading to, with the current state of devastation in our world, but through this devastation we are also gifted the opportunity to transmute our direction and create a new future for ourselves and generations to come. This cannot be accomplished by looking to authorities to change their ways but by each and every one of us looking within. The change happens within us, in the depths of our being. It happens in the choices we make before we even have a choice to make — the choices to believe in ourselves, to believe in life and in love.

In this duality, it can appear that things move in a linear direction — that there is this or that. We can believe that we only have two options, the two opposing sides of our reality seeming like the only alternatives. But wherever there are two sides to something there is always also a third holistic view available — one that may be beyond what we can see within the context of our reality, but it is always available within us if we can just look deeply enough.

It is in this third holistic view that the very codes of life are written, where our dreams are interwoven with the vast network of our reality. It is here that we find that we are interconnected with all of life, that nothing is a coincidence and that synchronicity is our navigating system to see where we are beyond the linear trajectory of life. It is by believing in and embodying this third holistic stance in every step of our journey that we are able to transmute our destiny and consciously manifest a future beyond the one we have inherited.

Do you remember a time when you truly believed in the magic of life? Do you remember feeling like your dreams were possible or that you have a special destiny? It is time to reconnect to that belief in your life, and in yourself — to choose the life that is calling you by trusting the impulses moving through you, and then actioning them.

The choice happens within our relationship to life itself; in order to create something, we must first truly believe it is possible, after that our commitment and direction will present us with the possibility we need, one choice at a time, to bring that vision into reality.

When we can believe in life and ourselves, we can allow ourselves to surrender to the direction it is taking us in, and then have the courage and conviction to action what we feel called to do and where we feel called to go. To change our reality requires determined action, and behind that action we need trust in our direction — a trust that lies in the belief that it can be real.

With love,
Simon & Jennifer

SF Source Raising Vibrations Nov 2018

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