Elemental Change

TaurusLorna Bevan – This is the run up to the 1st of 2021’s 4 Super Moons on April 26/27th – a Full Moon at 7° Scorpio on steroids at its closest to the earth anchoring an April 24-30 seismic window. Extra grounding, hydration, rest and time spent outdoors will help you avoid feeling fritzed and fried.

On Sunday April 18th, the Sun conjuncts Mercury in late Aries starting a new cycle of connection and communication. Then between April 19 – May 3 there is a palpable elemental shift from Fire to Earth as the Sun, Mercury, Black Moon Lilith and Venus conjunct the Great Awakener Uranus at 10° Taurus. When volatile Uranus is in the frame, anything can happen and probably will. There could be stock market volatility as Saturn in Aquarius squares the stellium.

Taurus is a Fixed sign, so clashes between tradition and innovation are inevitable. In your personal chart, this conjunction is tight and activating one area of your life, so it will make an impact. As without, so within. Something fixed and immoveable – a habit, a belief, a relationship, a dream – needs shaking up to let in some fresh air and fresh thinking.

With Pluto Lord of the Underworld and of your unconscious slowing right to maximum influence to station before turning Retrograde on April 27th, change is definitely not an option. You will feel Pluto’s shamanic power as a strong undercurrent from now on into May. If you have planets or points at 25-27 degrees of any sign or a birthday between 14-17th of any month, get ready for an insistent inner drive to eliminate whatever is dead in the water.

The Chandra Symbol for Mercury Conjunct Uranus Taurus 11: A woman with flames for hair

“Direct, full on, and unstoppable. Pushing for optimal outcomes, you are self-convinced and hard-driving. So passionate about your own desire and impulse that anything off to the side is far out of the picture and all that counts is to have your say, to make an impact.

Something long-gathering suddenly emerges as rage, self-intent, need, and craving. Personal to the Nth degree. Almost solipsistic. “Me” mattering after being counted out.

You feel the surge of power of someone who recognizes that they are bearing a life-force that can no longer be avoided and you follow the brightness wherever it takes you, blindly, insensately, and beautifully.” – Inside degrees Elias Lonsdale

Weekly forecast – Individual signs


SF Source Hare In The Moon Apr 2021

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