Etheric Implants And Entities Are “Human Nature”

Eric Raines – After an incredibly intense energetic activation, I became aware, as clearly as you are reading these words right now, of a system that had completely infiltrated the human condition, yet was almost 100% invisible to detection.  Almost 100% of the population of the planet is walking around completely unaware that most of the “talking” they are doing in their heads isn’t talking, but listening to something else speaking in their own internal voice. They are completely unaware that almost all of their habits, routines, impulses and reactions are not theirs but an invisible puppet master’s direction, willing them to develop these neuro-linguistic pathways (NLP) through 24/7 monitoring and countering of any resistance to the invisible agenda.

An invisible puppetmaster controlling the human collective and directing it to their negative agenda? Right off the bat, we have already jumped the ship from sanity.  The immediate reaction is rejection, as there is no way that we, the most intelligent species on the planet, could be victim to something so incredibly prevalent and widespread; something that has literally tricked us into thinking we are independent and have free will, yet has imprisoned us on a level that is absolute.  This reaction is completely understandable, and, honestly, to be expected. So, if you have made it this far and wish to not continue reading, this is understandable. The only request is that you analyze this feeling inside of you, notice how strong it is? Question that.  For those who wish to continue, let us explain how this works, then more importantly: WHY?

Let us begin with the known elements of this system. Through confirmed science, it is already understood  that there is much more going on than meets the eye. Visible perception is what is called visible light, or the rainbow spectrum of color (red, orange, yellow, green, blue, indigo, violet), this light spectrum is 5% of the full measurable spectrum of light. Broken down, what this means is that we can see with our human eyes only 5% of what there is to be seen. What has not yet been confirmed conclusively by hard science is the fact that we are multidimensional creatures with multiple forms of a body on many different energetic levels and densities.

The physical body is only the vehicle to move through an incarnation. This physical form then branches into multiple fields and energies – the energy body, the auric body, the meridian body, the astral body, the dream body, the plasma body, etc.  These other densities and planes of existence are hidden from us because we simply cannot see these resonant light frequencies, all we can see is the physical plane; we can, however, feel them.

When you have an individual begin the awakening process, they soon realize that the world is fundamentally upside down, backwards from the way it should be.  They begin to recognize consumerism and fear being pushed on the general populace. This new awareness leads to a need for information that leads through the darkest happenings of the world, then eventually out the other side with the understanding that we are here to shine a light into this darkness.

Individual acts of kindness and compassion become small scale ways to do something, anything in this world filled with so much darkness and yet so much light. As the individual going through this awakening begins to feel good inside, to love everything and everyone unconditionally, regardless of how others might behave or act, their physical body begins to react to these higher vibration emotions, they begin to connect into the energetic systems that we all are able to activate and utilize.  Often times, this dreamer wakes up to the higher energies accessible through meditation and movement of chi, and, then, the extrasensory abilities are explored more and more as they start to right the world rightside up.

Take this generalized example into consideration:

Most who have gone through this awakening journey have gotten to the point of regular meditation and focusing practices, yet they can never seem to go into their explorations as deep or as strongly as they know they should be able to.  Their connection to God/Source/Dharma/Tao/Jesus, whatever they call the Creator, is never as full or rich as it should be.  The single pointed focus and silence of mind that they read about and know exists always seems to be beyond any amount of practice and focus. While manageable, their thoughts often distract and lead them away from self discovery and practice, most especially when sitting down to do said meditations.

Random aches and pains in the body will start popping up, causing further distraction and fear of something physically wrong with the body. The practice of doing these exercises and energetic practices every day will get more tedious and harder to do. Until one day, the Awakened Dreamer stops the practice.  A week later the Awakener is becoming the Dreamer again, perhaps not even thinking about the regular practice they used to do until months later when someone mentions something that triggers the remembrance, which dissolves like a layer of amnesia in a, “I remember I used to do that, and it made me feel…” moment.

A sense of wondering, a questioning of, “Why did I stop? I felt like I was younger, smarter, stronger, and more in tune….how did I forget?” starts, resulting in the Awakener beginning their practice again, running into the same issues. The difference this time might be a friend, co-worker, boss, employee, family member, significant other, or landlord suddenly starts a fight or causes a problem for what appears to be no reason other than they were irritable that day, or things in their life were going roughly.

Suddenly the Awakener is thrown back into the knee-jerk reactive behavior that they had identified at the beginning of the journey, without any restriction whatsoever. Suddenly their life is tossed upside down, but the strangest thing is, as all the dust settles, everyone involved is left with the strangest empty feeling where there was once a molten ball of fire. They are left confused wondering why they were so mad and reactive.

If this sounds like it could have been written about you, you are not alone. If anything, you are in a much bigger and broader company than you would have thought possible. This is a textbook blueprint of shutting down someone on the path of awakening .

When certain vibrational frequencies are met inside the body through DNA activation, direct energetic activations such as strong, intense visualization/meditations unlocking closed off areas in the energy body; extreme positive emotions such as love, joy, or happiness; contact with the individuals soul family; the capacity to perceive and manipulate a broader range of frequency opens up; and, possibly, they begin to be able to interact with the energetic blueprint of the reality around them directly.

Continued progression upon this path will allow their perception and ability to move energy to become much more broad and engaged to the point that they begin to literally see these control systems that are used by higher dimensional, negatively oriented entities to push and prod humanity in the direction of darkness, despair, hate and desperation.

These control forces do not want that level of awareness, so they cut off the journey through direct interference, be that etheric, or triggering events/people in their life before that awareness comes into full fruition.  This virus that has infiltrated every aspect of our lives needs complete secrecy and anonymity to continue its work: which is feeding off of dark, twisted emotions that come from extreme trauma, victimization, scarcity, and torture.

Someone who is not on the path to awakening, but is focused on the distractions of the Matrix prison system will never become aware of these systems.  They consider the symptoms normal.  In all honesty, these symptoms ARE normal in the sense that we grow with them from childhood, not understanding that the thoughts, impulses, and reactions that are blindly followed internally are not truly us to begin with.

Someone stuck in the rat race, who is terrified of coming up with enough money for next months rent, all while trying to drown their growing sense of foreboding doom of their position in the harsh world around them every weekend in alcohol, drugs and sex are not focused on turning on the light inside.

Someone fighting for their life in a war torn country is not stepping through their fear to take control over where their reality is directed.  The poor soul enslaved in the global sex trafficking trade is not radiating their love to the world.

The person who is “winning the game of Life” is not focused on bringing everyone up with them, but in gathering in as much as they can for themselves and theirs.  The people in between, those who have enough to live comfortably, but not enough to be independent of the systems are focused on keeping what they have, not looking out to include everyone. These dreamers are not focused on expanding their awareness with love and compassion. Instead, they are focused on waking up, going to work, coming home, going to sleep, waking up, going to work, etc.

Every facet and niche in the gorgeously diverse tapestry of humanity has a control system directing them in their specific place in society to keep the machine running. Consume! Buy! Fear!! Terror!! Them! Us! Watch out for number one!

The entire system is designed to keep us away from awakening the magnificence inside of each of us through our connection directly to Source. Yet, incredibly throughout history up until today, inside of each of these niches people are snapping out of the lethargy and waking up. The body is designed to consciously create the reality around us when fully realized; by being anchored in the lowest of all the vibrational planes, 3D physical density, then reaching all the way up through the dimensional causality directly to the Creator of All That Is. We are, literally, designed to be creator Gods.

In a natural system with no restrictions, we should be able to manifest physical reality in real time. That connection is why we are here. That connection is why we have been shut down to perceiving these layers and densities, yet can still interact with these higher vibrational energies, or crystalline resonance.

They take us, the incredibly powerful beings we are, blind us from true sight, turn our environment toxic, heavy and dark energetically, then with some controlled trauma and some negative backlash to start off, they begin the self fulfilling cycles of atrocity breeding more atrocity exponentially. Locked away, by our collective selves, under the negative agenda guiding us from behind the curtain, we as the human race have festered and rotted at the core of who we are.

Indifference to suffering and hunger and lack of shelter, warmongering, militaristic capitalism, aggression, consumerism, perversion…. All of these things that highlight our focus on only the self turns our Creator energy dark and stagnant.  These low vibrational emotions become negative polarity higher dimensional energy, which these puppetmasters need for their very survival…they need it for food. For sustenance.

Note: Etheric implants are also known as Archonic or Archontic implants in reference to the Archons, a name given to the negatively oriented etheric entities that took over our reality by the Gnostics.  Archon in Greek means “ruler”, and I personally do not resonate with calling them that and so rarely do.  I agree 100% with Cameron Day, they are parasites and bloodsuckers of the highest order, ticks and fleas if you will.

There it is. The answer to the question, “Why is the world the way that it is?”. Why are there children dying of hunger and lack of clean water? Why are there nonstop wars all across the planet at all times? Why is there so much hate and exclusion? Why is there so much scarcity? Because it causes us to emit extremely dark, negative emotions in reaction to our dark, negative environment, and these entities need this energy to survive. That is the key.

They need complete secrecy because if we realized we had leeches or ticks embedded in our skin, we would extract them. The same principle applies here. They are in our energetic fields and bodies. OUR bodies. Once you become aware, they are nothing more than a parasite needing to be removed. Once you become aware of these systems, you become aware of how vast your body truly is. You are not limited to the inside of your skin. You are much more than the flesh that houses your soul, and this awareness allows you to move what is yours. If you want your field clean, you can clean it; and they are terrified of you figuring this out.

Typical symptoms of this etheric control grid are as follows:

  • Feeling low on energy, no matter how much sleep/good food/water is had
  • Non stop chattering in the head, making intentional silence in the mind virtually impossible
  • Inability to release trauma despite potential years of therapy and logical processing
  • A distinct, inexplicable feeling  of being a puppet or of always having a mask over authentic self
  • An emotional numbness; an inability to feel emotion or an inability to feel positive emotions
  • Inability to pull away from an addiction
  • A tendency to choose stagnancy instead of moving forward
  • A feeling of being alone or cut off from God/Source
  • More inclined to have negative self talk about self and the people/places around
  • Strange, disturbing, often violent thoughts that seem to come unprovoked from nowhere
  • Recurring nightmares or violent night terrors, specifically with things done to the dreamer that they have never encountered before
  • A heavy feeling of apathy, or lack of motivation to make life better
  • Lack of understanding and compassion for other people and themselves
  • A general cloud of confusion as if “in a fog”
  • Feeling lost in life, unsure of lifes purpose
  • Excessive predatory behavior; physical, sexual, emotional, mental, psychological, or energetic
  • Easily able to “fly off the handle” for seemingly small reasons
  • Obsessive, compulsive behavior
  • Lack of chi flow through the body
  • Inability to awaken innate abilities such as remote viewing, astral projection, clairsentience , etc..
  • Inability to sustain a focused meditation, no matter how much work and time has been put into the practice
  • Constant negative judgement of situations, people and places, a.k.a. the glass is always half empty
  • Strange or recurring illnesses that doctors cannot find a reason for
  • Chronic pain or weakness in the body
  • Empathic overload, such as feeling other people’s emotions more intensely than the person feeling the emotions originally
  • Strange sensations such as pressure, burning, stabs, and movement under the skin
  • Feeling better for only a short time after energy work or massage/body work
  • A constant feeling of paranoia or pressure like something has to be done immediately
  • Sensitivity to rare stimuli such as “The Hum” or finding WiFi painful
  • A tendency to try to heal damaged people; self damaging in the process and never reaching success in healing self or others
  • A constant need to visit places or people that were directly involved in trauma
  • Rationalizing narcissistic, psychotic behavior as normal when engaging in it or experiencing it done, but only after the fact
  • A constant feeling of being watched

If you feel like you have experienced a myriad of these symptoms, you most likely just considered them to be strange at the time, or “weird”, if you ever even noticed them as symptoms.  These are symptoms we consider natural and normal. They are not normal. We have grown up with part of our body actively fighting itself, because the cause is invisible to us, we accepted these symptoms as, “just getting old” or “that”s just how it works”.

The reality is, the benefits of removing these etheric implants, parasites and entities are felt immediately. Some of the imprint or residue of the energetic constructs that were there before removal may take a few days to fully clear out and integrate into natural flow. A clear extraction removes all entity attachments outside of the individual, any negatively oriented constructs inside of them, etheric observers, astral body transmitters/tags, negatively oriented energetic attachments with other people, contracts, and false karma.

The effects of said removal range in intensity from person to person. Pretty much the level of intensity felt after the removal is dependent upon how clogged and dirty the energy body was beforehand. If a person regularly moves chi through their body, meditates, eats clean and healthy, exercises, and drinks plenty of clean, pure water, they are going to have nowhere near the level of infestation as a person who does not practice spiritual hygiene would have. In essence, the cleaner a person is to begin with, spiritually and otherwise, the less they would feel the effects of a removal. Where on the reverse side, the dirtier the systems were before the removal, the more intense the experience during and after while acclimating to the natural flow and connectivity.

This is an excerpt from Part 1. Continue reading . . . Unleashing

ChiEric Raines – After an intense energetic activation in 2012, Eric became aware of the implantation and parasitic construct, in a very real way. His subsequent search for answers about this experience, led him on a journey to self discovery. This discovery, coupled with more and more real world practice, allowed him to gain a deep understanding of how this other system works, how to identify the interference’s and constructs, how to promote self protection through daily practices, and most importantly,  how to remove these false constructs from himself, as well as others.

Eric is constantly expanding his repertoire of tools; he currently implements a wide range of energetic tools ranging from parasite/implant removal, meridian clearing and balancing, crystaline organ rejuvenation, theta healing, soul fragment retrieval,  remote lymphatic work, and Golden light energy work; he also utilizes  physical based practices such as Quantum Pause Breathing, Reverse Breathing, self lymphatic massage, Cycle Stretching, Chi Kung (Qigong),  and meditation. As an ardent advocate of aiding the entire human race to achieve their full, natural potential, Eric is called to teaching as many others as he can reach. As a receiver of this hidden esoteric knowledge, Eric  considers it his duty, his life’s purpose, to share this information with the world, to free all of humanity from the ravages of this system and to help create a world filled with light.

SF Source How to Exit the Matrix Jan. 2017

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