Fireworks and a CME

Laura Walker – An M2 class CME was released on Saturday at 7:17 am UTC.

This month is about “an abundance of choices.” Therefore, we will look at the three places of data that deliver the messages of the CME.

1 – The Moon – The traditional way for me to look for the message is with the Moon at the time of the CME. This only gives us a two hour window of time. But it covers the whole planet.

2 – Ascendant At New York – The world capital is symbolically identified as New York, in a “humanistic” sense. The Ascendant for New York at the time of the CME gives us a 4-minute window of time because the Ascendant changes degrees every 4 minutes. It is precise.

3 – Ascendant At Greenwich – Time is delineated at this point on the Earth. The Ascendant for Greenwich gives the third piece of information.

So, based on how Captain Mars and the Titans has been going for you, you may find something of use in the three messages or maybe all three. And hopefully this will help with Mars square Uranus that is happening this weekend.

Moon: 28 Aries – “A Large Disappointed Audience” – adjustment of expectations, forgiving oneself and moving on, apologies, time to become more realistic, getting back up after failure

New York: 09 Gemini – “A Quiver Filled With Arrows” – need to prepare for what you need, do not rush, compose self before responding, identify goal or objective, strategy, unprepared or overconfident

Greenwich: 19 Leo – “A Houseboat Party” – go beyond what was thought possible in a different environment, like minded individuals, forcing people into one’s idea of pleasure and relaxation, untethered

The Moon has entered Taurus and will conjunct Uranus and the Black Moon. This produces the activation of shadow sides. People tend to project their own feelings onto others. This is tricky with Mars square Uranus on Saturday at 9:14 pm EST.

Mars-Uranus is rapid changes, shocks, surprises, accidents, being saved by our “rejections,” silver linings, putting us in line with destiny when we are having trouble doing that for ourselves, alignment, electrical grid “issues,” abruptness, innovation and invention. The main point is how fast it comes.

We are not surprised with Uranus, as much as we can be. Again, choose words before you speak, slow down, and use caution. Mars-Uranus can make fireworks get out of control quickly.

Keep in mind that Mars and Uranus began their current cycle on January 20, 2021 – Inauguration Day in the US. Mars and Uranus are at the First Quarter Square (which is like a First Quarter Moon phase). This means what was started around January 20 goes in a completely new direction (keywords: step out, take action).

Mars’ actions over the last few days and the next few days have been pivotal and the effects will be will us for a while. Mars moves things forward – like Second Renaissance.

Did you know you were enrolled in post-doctoral work in life? This report was advanced astrology! WIse owls…always watching.

Much love – L

SF Source Oracle Report Jul 2021

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