Flashpoints + Breakthroughs

uranusLorna Bevan – This week, the buzzy Uranian/Aquarian high frequency intensifies the cosmic acupuncture of short, sharp shocks of the totally unexpected. Mercury in his own sign of Virgo with Mars is very active while the Sun, Mars and the Messenger of the Gods align with the karmic points of the Great Attractor and the Galactic Centre. It’s time to pay attention….

On August 20th, the Great Awakener Uranus turns retrograde for the first time in 80 years in Taurus until January 22, 2022. The Sky God’s unequivocal message of “Evolve or Die” is going to be felt physically and practically. As he travels through Taurus until 2026, shocks to the global markets and financial systems, to food supply chains, to personal freedom and to the planet itself will intensify, demanding radical re-thinking and innovation.

Look to see which House Taurus rules in your birth chart. If you don’t already have it as an essential life guide, get your Personal Sky Within Astrology Profile and Birth Chart. These 5 retrograde months are ripe for collaborating with and implementing change in this area of your life. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing and expecting a different result. This type of insanity doesn’t fly with Uranus and it will forcefully remove anything that impedes your progress.

On Sunday August 22nd, the 2nd(!) Full Moon in Aquarius in 4 weeks repeats Uranus’s message. The Moon at the Master 29th degree of Aquarius is conjunct Jupiter in a Grand Cross with the Sun in Leo and the karmic Nodes of Fate, trine the Galactic Centre.

A double Full Moon is a time of culmination- the results are in on the progressive changes you’ve made – or the resistance you’ve put up – since December 21 2021 when Saturn and Jupiter crossed into Aquarius

The Chandra Symbol for Double Full Moon Aquarius 30: A large pool filled with white water lilies in bloom

“We become vessels for the light. Since it is endless and because our future sense is wide open, we are literally being flooded with light to an extraordinary extent.

Just to forge this into something useful and helpful is quite a task. The only way we can stay true to what we experience here, yet equally be an evolutionary vessel of restoring what is most essential is if we can meet the struggles and strife of this world from a most distinctive and unusual place.

We are called to be detached, yet in the same breath able to swoop right down and be entirely here with how everybody experiences the darkness and the sense of forgetting.

For as we hold the high vertical steady, we become light bearers in terms that are life-giving and fruitful in total measure.” Inside Degrees Elias Lonsdale

Weekly forecast – Individual signs


SF Source Hare In The Moon Aug 2021

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