Realistic Ways to Focus on your Self-Improvement

Bill GatesPersonal development does not end upon reaching adulthood or getting a college diploma. The act of self development is a lifelong process.

The adage “Never stop learning because life never stops teaching” is a very basic truism.  We may hate to admit it, but there is subtle and universal truth to this notion. Day after day, there is always something to learn and grow from, even the smallest of things.

Some people may dismiss the idea of further development and are content with what they’ve attained. But this kind of attitude is too lax for self-improvement. Like plants, we are meant to grow, even in the subtlest of ways. If we don’t grow we become stunted and go through life with a lot of untapped (i.e. wasted) potential.

It’s true that time and experience do impact growth. However, merely relying on these factors do not necessarily make us who we want to be. Real growth is about creating an intended outcome and taking steps to work towards this self development journey. In the long run even the little positive things we do, creates character.

Character is typically developed from our habitual actions and makes us into a unique individual.

Here are a few known and effective ways to continue growth through life:

Keep reading

Whether you’re an avid reader of entertainment topics or an academic, there is no better personal teacher than quality reading material to expand the mind.

One self-professed voracious reader and billionaire is William Gates, Jr. (Bill Gates). He is a perfect example of a wealthy person who reached great heights partly as a result of creating the wise habit about reading books.

Know how to manage finances

If there is anything which is not typically taught in schools as diligently as should be is how to manage money. Learning how to manage your finances is a self-development skill . Some of the wealthiest people in the world learned how to manage their finances at an early age.

Enjoy a hobby

Healthy hobbies are actually more constructive than a waste of time. Certain hobbies allow us time for ourselves away from our usual daily routine while developing certain skills in the process.

Be open to criticism

It takes a real close-minded person to not heed other’s constructive criticism. And while it is true that not all criticisms are made to help us improve constructive criticism can be extremely helpful, especially if you learn to filter the information received such that it benefits you. You learn to separate the good from the bad before absorbing feedback into yourself.

Learn from your peers

One key to develop rapidly is to be with people who can teach you things, even in subtle ways. In fact, a key indicator you may be hanging with the wrong crowd is that you do not learn from them and grow positively as a result.

Challenge yourself daily

Decide to take risks with which you’re comfortable. People interested in developing themselves seek new experiences. They don’t just stick with the mundane.

Be patient

Cliché as it may sound but patience is indeed a virtue.  Real growth is never forced. It must progress naturally. Learning to be patient with yourself is more often a necessity than an option.

Remain optimistic

In a world full of negatives being optimistic is sometimes seen as a revolutionary act. The quality of experience we encounter in our daily lives affects us either positively or negatively in the long run. When you choose positivism over negativity you set yourself on a path to becoming a better person.

Be charitable

In this world there are plenty of struggles and hardships. You will continually have a chance to demonstrate good heartedness, kindness, caring and concern for your fellow man.  In fact, being charitable is one of the most rewarding  habits of wealthy people..

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