Forecast for June 20, 2021

jupiter retrogradeKelly M Beard – Summer Solstice is the MidPoint in the Annual Solar Cycle, bringing another turn of the Wheel, the peak power of the Light before it surrenders, moving toward true completion of that which was seeded at Winter Solstice. Permanently opposite each other, eternally balancing and re-balancing … integrating and re-integrating the Life-Death-Life Cycle.

These Sacred Seasons represent the time of year we should focus on the balance and integration of Light/Darkness ~ Yin/Yang ~ Feminine/Masculine ~ Inner/Outer ~ Cancer/Capricorn, which adds personal & professional as well as public & private.

While Winter is a time of rest, replenishment and rejuvenation, Summer Solstice is the time of pouring forth, emptying out and fully birthing & releasing your creations (or whatever you’ve done with your creative energy thus far in the year). This is the MidPoint of the Solar Year, a point of culmination and choice ~ a time to count your blessings, assess your creations, gather power, and access the courage to move forward.

This is a balance of your outer world (Capricorn) and your inner world (Cancer) with emphasis on the Sacred Space where you fortify and replenish (Cancer) so you are able to contribute something significant to the world (Capricorn). Be creative and operate from heart-center as you move through this Sacred Season, release what needs to be released and fertilize the next phase of the annual cycle.

Summer Solstice is time to celebrate the primal creative Force, the mother-of-all-mothers, Mother Earth by acknowledging the blessed Container, Nurturer and Protector that She is for ALL Life on this planet. Connect to and honor your own instinctual nature at this time. And be mindful of the nutrient that you take into your body, mind, spirit and space. Summer is the Sacred Season of maximum Light ~ so be passionate and be present!

6/20 – Jupiter Retrograde in Pisces

Jupiter is at home in Pisces for the only time, once in 12-years, so I encourage you to take advantage of this year. No matter what your Sun Sign or where your Jupiter is, this is the best time for really checking in with your beliefs & philosophies, your Truth and your Story – and what you believe to be true or possible for your Self, others and the globe.

That said, it is affecting Sag/Gemini/Virgo/Pisces the most directly but it is going back-and-forth with Aquarius too – so Leo/Aquarius/Taurus/Scorpio energies are involved as well.

As I’ve said before, any retrograde planet indicates a time to slow down and recognize the shift in the energy. Try not to qualify it as ‘good, bad, right or wrong’ but simply look for any kind of turn around. Often, we don’t stop to reflect until we are blocked by some (seemingly) outside force.

Many have been experiencing a testing of their faith and ability to continue to believe in a positive outcome for all involved. It’s hard to keep a positive attitude when we know there is so much work to be done to restore balance, in ourselves and the planet. But that is the thing about faith, if you keep it in the “idea/concept” realm and never test it to see how it works for you personally, then it is a lot easier to lose along the way.

Faith is an active principle

We are being challenged to dream up a new and better Story for ourselves & the planet. What do you believe? Part of my work as the Mystic Mentor is reminding you that your Soul Work is an ongoing, lifelong process. We get to work on this monthly, annually and in a bigger way, like now, every 12-years. So where Neptune represents our spirituality and connection to God/Source, Jupiter is our faith and personal code that we live by, our individual Truth.

Jupiter as benefactor

Jupiter is also one of the benefactors in the Heavens and the lessons include how to better your life: education, consciousness, justice, integrity and Truth to start with. Jupiter makes things bigger, so when in Pisces, it’s expanding your conscious awareness around sensitivities and boundaries, around illusions and delusions, around our compassion for ourselves, each other and the planet.

Pisces also represents the Womb in a lot of ways, and in this case, the womb of our consciousness – what we incubate within and then make choices and decisions on out in the world. It is time to consider the Truth that you believe and the Story that you tell with your choices. It’s time to add meaning to your life.

It is time to expand in some way, and that is customized for each individual (depending on your Pisces House). Another one of Jupiter’s gifts is inflation so when it retrogrades, deflation can occur in that Area of Life for you so it is good to be alert.

One of the blessings of this year’s Jupiter Lesson is that we are supported to stop reaching outside of our Selves for guidance & clarity and turn to our own inner guidance to direct us. What do you believe to be true or possible for you? for humanity? for the planet?

Check out this 33-min Video here– this is from 12-years ago when Jupiter entered Pisces last and it is FULL of unbelievably appropriate reminders for right now! It also has some references to other rare planetary alignments of the time that are just beginning to be relevant now. So think back to 2009-2010-2011-2012 – there were some important alignments then that we are seeing the results of now. (Also, I apologize in advance for how fast I used to talk – I have been working on that my whole life ;))

Every year, Jupiter Retrogrades giving us a chance to edit our stories, individually and collectively. With Neptune continuing its journey through Pisces, we are so supported to activate the Imagination to assist this year in a bigger way than usual. If you pull back to re-evaluate and tune-in to a greater vision for yourself, rather than try to force your will, you will feel stronger and more centered, which enables you to be more effective in the world. Work smarter, not harder. Make the necessary adjustments being demanded of you at this time. Edit or rewrite your personal Story and it will ultimately empower you.


Retrogrades demand that we contemplate the (true) source or hidden cause of our own motives. There may be an imbalance. What you’ve been subconsciously thinking about or even acting out in some way, may come to the forefront and demand attention.

You may have an urge to make a sudden decision regarding self-preservation. Any new plans impulsively implemented at this time will most likely need a revision (re-vision/new vision) somewhere down the line. Closer to Jupiter going Direct in Aquarius (10/17) things may begin to take shape in unexpected and wonderful ways that even you couldn’t dream up! So use the next 4-months to reflect on how you’d like to improve your life, your environment and the world.

SF Source Spirit Library Jun 2021

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