Top Health Concerns For Drug And Alcohol Addicts

There are a lot of medical problems that are associated with drug and alcohol addiction, and there are 15 listed below that you must take seriously if you want to live a healthy life. This might be the deterrent that makes you get clean, or you might need to talk these things over with your doctor as soon as possible.

1. Liver Damage

Liver damage happens as a result of alcohol abuse, and you need to be concerned if you wer eon prescription meds. Ask your doctor how you are doing because you might need a transplant.

2. Esophagus Damage

You could have burned your esophagus with alcohol or drugs, and you need to find out if you have tears or permanent damage that needs to be repaired.

3. Memory Loss

Memory loss could be accelerated by drug use, and you must be certain that you talk to your doctor about this because it could be a sign of dementia.

4. Lack Of Cognitive Function

Your cognitive functions will go down if you are not working on your mind, and your doctor needs to know because this might be a sign of worse problems.

5. Asthma

You might have picked up asthma if you were smoking, and it is something that needs to be treated by a specialist so that it does not cause severe attacks.

6. Brittle Bones

There are many people who have brittle bones because they simply malnourished themselves while they were addicts. You might need a special treatment or medication to reverse the effects of your addiction.

7. Heart Disease

People who were alcohol and drug addicts are much more likely to get any kind of heart disease, and their risk of heart attack is very high.

8. Cancer

Your risk of getting cancer goes up a lot because of your addiction, and you need to talk to your doctor because they might have a lot of tests they want to do.

9. Advanced Alzheimer’s

People who were addicts could develop Alzheimer’s much faster, and science does not yet know exactly why. Ask them to check on you to see how your body is progressing.

10. Deficient Immunity

Your immune system is depleted when you are an addict, and it could take a very long time for you to get your immune system back. This might include treatments and medication that are needed.

11. Insomnia

You might not sleep well, and this make it very hard for you to function because your body is still used to an old way of life.

12. Dental Issues

You might have dental issues because your addiction, and you need to go see a dentist to see how bad it has gotten.

13. Muscle Problems

You could have muscle atrophy from lack of use when you were an addict, or you might have lingering injuries that were never corrected or healed.

14. Loss Of Smell

You could lose your sense of smell, and you must ask your doctor if there is a way to treat this.

15. Poor Vision

You will notice your vision is very poor after being an addict, and you must see a specialist for glasses or correction.

You owe it to yourself or the people in your family to learn more about health concerns that come along with addiction. You might use this information with people you are concerned about, or you might use this information yourself the next time you go to the doctor. You might already be clean, but you still need to think about how your addiction has impacted your health. You need to know what might be going on with you, and you need to research each symptom that could lead to a bigger medical problem.

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