Herbs That Speed Up Weight Loss Without Any Side Effects

weight loss
Neem tree

Weight loss is a top priority for at least 30 percent of the world’s population.

Overweight individuals often try multiple methods to help decrease weight – from over-the-counter medications to working out at the gym – they do it all.

Oftentimes the self-medication doesn’t work. In fact unfortunate users often experience medicinal side effects that make weight loss even more difficult.

The easiest way to lose most of the unwanted weight is to go organic and maintain a healthy eating schedule.

There’s no shortcut to weight loss but a few natural ingredients can and will accelerate the process for you. Many of the herbs listed below can be grown in a kitchen garden and if not, you can always place an order from an online portal to deliver them to your doorstep. Alternatively you can plant the herbs listed below in pots inside your home.

1. Ginseng

It is a slow-growing perennial plant that has fleshy roots and is found in cooler regions of the country. It is already used by Chinese from ancient times. Research says ginseng can be used to relieve stress, diabetes, lower cholesterol, and regulate blood sugar levels which all contribute to the weight gain. Ginseng also boosts metabolism and keep energy levels high throughout the day.

2. Hibiscus

Hibiscus tea (made from hibiscus flower extracts) does wonders for the body. This medicinal plant in India is found throughout the country. It holds diuretic properties which prevent bloating. The enzyme, phaseolamin, inhibits the production of amylase which in turn helps to break carbs down into sugar molecules. Hibiscus tea is low in calories and increases satiety.

3. Aloe Vera

This stemless plant has fleshy leaves with a gel-like consistency. It’s well known for skin treatments and hair medication but not as well known as a weight loss aid.  Aloe vera induces metabolic response and is enriched in vitamins which helps overall proper body functioning.

4. Dandelions

They’re not just beautiful but edible as well! Loaded with nutrients, they tend to slow down the digestive process which makes you feel full for a longer time and helps decrease carbohydrate consumption. Dandelions are rich in dietary fibre, antioxidants, minerals, beta-carotene and Vitamin K1 which helps to protect the liver.

5. Rosemary

A perennial herb with green leaves pointed as needles used in various recipes. Rosemary tea helps to reduce weight and is a rich source of the enzyme lipase which breaks down fat molecules. It also contains fibers and keeps you feeling full for a longer period of time.

6. Neem

This herb is popular for its healing properties. Native to India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Sri Lanka, it mainly grows in tropical and subtropical regions. From stomach pain to weight loss, blood purification to cancer, neem is known to cure multiple ailments. The leaves of the neem tree have antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties which flush toxins out from the body.

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