How Healthy is Vaping

The biggest debate about vaping is exactly how safe and/or healthy is it. The answer is subjective. If you smoke and switch to vaping then the answer is it’s healthy. If you’re a non-smoker and start vaping the health benefits really are not there.

Long-term effects of both vaping and smoking

vapingResearch has shown smoking is bad – both short and long term. However, studies performed concerning vaping as recently as last year have not uncovered any bad effects, but it will take more years of study to really get a good snapshot of the long game. At present insufficient evidence exists to determine the long-term effects of vaping.

The good news is research has found vaping to be less addictive than smoking due to the smaller concentration of nicotine typically inhaled. And while it’s true that smart vapes to use contain more nicotine than the average cigarette most users only take a hit or two. As a result less nicotine hits the system.

Improvements in respiratory function

Lung capacity and respiratory function have also shown improvement when switching from cigarettes to vaping. This is especially true for people who suffer from asthma or COPD. This is because there aren’t thousands of chemicals floating around in vapes like there are in cigarettes. Additionally it has been shown that second hand vape is safer than second hand smoke. In fact studies have found that second hand vape shows no adverse effects.

Smear Campaigns

Anti-vape campaigns are quickly looking like a last-ditch effort of cigarette companies to regain their place in the market. One of the biggest anti-vape campaigns smeared the industry by claiming an increase in heart disease and cancer as a result of vaping. Fortunately, actual research studies demonstrate this simply isn’t true. Vaping does not show any indication of increasing the likelihood of developing these diseases. Even the claim of “popcorn” lung has been debunked.

Cigarette smoking lobbyists have long-established tentacles into government, specifically the Food & Drug Administration (FDA). The FDA has done a disservice to the vaping community by failing to review research findings in a timely manner. As it stands, vaping has not shown any negative effects when individuals transition from smoking to vaping.

Vaping, while not exactly a healthy pastime itself,  does offer health benefits over cigarette smoking. Time will certainly tell. As of now, however, if you are a smoker, vaping is the healthier choice for you.

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