I was wrong about the Democratic Party [Video]

walkaway movementAlexandra Bruce – Has anyone noticed how the shrill accusations of racism from AOC and the Squad, which seemed outrageous and anachronistic a couple of years ago have now become the dominant theme at all of the Globalist mouthpiece institutions, like the United Nations and Mainstream Media?

Has anyone noticed how Black Lives Matter has recently garnered billions of dollars from all of the most powerful corporations on the planet?

Has anyone noticed how this newfound effort to divide us along color lines is massively engineered and how members of our own government and corporate institutions are running a Color Revolution against their own citizenry, using “racism” as a cover?

Apparently, the Squad and other mostly-Democrat politicians had been briefed on this Globalist script a few years ago, before the Scamdemic and its attendant rioting were cynically unleashed upon us.

What is masquerading as a bleeding-heart “moment of reckoning” actually has civil war and asset-stripping as its intended purpose. People are being hurt and killed, as a result of this Sadistic manipulation.

This video was originally posted to Facebook by Georgia H, who like me, was born and raised in a very Progressive environment and who was also forced to abandon the DNC when their true colors were revealed during this hideous psychological war of the past 4 years.

Her humble, compassionate and articulate testimony in this video has garnered millions of views over the past couple of weeks.

This video already has 1,161,718 views [Oct 11] with numbers  rising rapidly.  Incredible! – G

SF Source Forbidden Knowledge TV Oct 2020

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