NOW is the only time

As you complete another year according to your Gregorian calendars, you are being blessed with an unprecedented invitation to exit your journey in the 3rd dimension and to complete any remaining parts of your life that may still be supporting duality or separation consciousness. You must make this choice in your own heart as well as choose to truly show and feel loving compassion for all of life.  ~ Lady Master Quan Yin

lifeKamala Julianne Everett – You are completing not only a year, but also a season that has been providing you with the opportunity to walk through many new stargates, some of which were created and designed by the Elohim and your galactic overseers to assist you in transitioning into more of your crystalline or All Christ DNA.

To support both the inner and outer requirements for your living as a crystalline being, it is now very advantageous to practice being fully present with whatever is taking place either within or around you or your world. We are here with you now to underscore the importance of living in the now, as this is truly theonly place where your true power and higher creative capacities can be actualized.

You are most probably aware that many of the old paradigms are crashing down all around you, yet know that this is all assisting in the clearing and cleansing of your old world as well as providing you with the opportunity to make wise new choices that will assist in leading humanity into their potential to live on your Earth as conscious 5th dimensional beings who will only make decisions based in peace, wisdom and loving compassion for all of life.

The great waves of energy that are pouring into your beloved Gaia, and indeed into the whole of your solar system and galaxy, will continue for as long as it is beneficial for all forms of life on your planet. Some of these waves are dwarfing all of the previous ones that arrived earlier in the year to assist you in realigning with much more of your True Self.

These new waves have been created to simply engulf everything and everyone in so much of the Creator’s great Love and Light that it simply swallows up any remainingmiscreations. The remnants of these old creations are in the process of being so completely dissolved by the Violet and Diamond Light that they no longer have the capacity or the necessary energy to merge with any of humanity’s new creations that are only designed to support your crystalline or ALL Christ inheritance.

As a Lightworker who has been going through these transformational experiences, you may now find yourself feeling a bit lost from having left behind parts of yourself that have been supporting your 3rd dimensional identity for perhaps centuries, yet you will soon discover that you are now being invited to move into an entirely new lightness of being that you have not known since previous Golden Ages. You are also realizing that this is necessary if you are to move through your ascension gracefully.

These great new waves of Light are already removing a great deal of the information within the collective consciousness that has been supporting the old separation paradigm and the need to remain in control. However, in your present world most of humanity has little or no notion of what is taking place, and the removal of old energy paradigms will leave some with the feeling they are being left with little or no abilities to define themselves or to even defend their old identities.

Without being able to support their old ideas of “self,” many will most probably feel energetically lost, yet you are here to show them how to live in more of their crystalline, or All Christ inheritance and how to actively embrace the immense and all-encompassing energies that are now enfolding your planet. You are in a position to truly assist others in understanding what is taking place, and when appropriate you can also provide them with invaluable counsel.

During your holiday season, we invite you to take some time to extend and expand the Divine Grace of the Creator into every heart and home around the world and into the minds of those who still feel they must defend their identities or their borders to be safe. See everyone being loved beyond their imagination and embraced back into their unlimited Spiritual Inheritance of  Unconditional Love, EnLightenment and Abundance of the Creator. Join with us as we co-create Peace on Earth, Goodwill to All.

SF Source WalkTheEarthAsALivingMaster Dec 2017

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