The Jewel of Joy

joyDreama Vance – When the information was given to me about how to discover our individual spiritual missions, I felt as if I had been given the Philosopher’s Stone.

How many have worried in angst over their purpose? How many courses can you take to discover your purpose in life? How about discovering your Soul purpose? That discovery sounds even more important and critical.

It is pretty easy to figure out the big purpose in life. After all, saints, sages, and spiritual masters have been teaching the information for eons. We are here for our own spiritual evolution and to assist others on the planet. We are here to awaken from the deep sleep of forgetfulness. This awakening is really a remembering of who we are. We are to develop our skills at remaining conscious and focused on the Source within us. We are to learn and move into higher states of consciousness. This is part of all humanity’s evolution.

It brings glad tidings to the heart when we finally “get it” and begin to consciously work on our own spiritual growth. In doing our own work, we add to the light for the planet.

When I was given the information about individual spiritual missions and how to discover them, I was very excited because I knew it would help so many people move into action. In case you haven’t read my article on Joy (Joy to the World), you will find your own spiritual mission through your joy.

You discover your individual mission through what brings you incredible joy and what has probably been a thread of great interest from early years in your life. You see, you are important on this planet. You are here to evolve not only in the grand scheme of things, but to give and share your special reason for being here now.

The fact that your individual mission (and there may be more than one) comes from what brings you joy and lights you up inside of your being is so simple and easy to understand once you figure it out! Here is what happens and how it works.

Joy is a state of being that blossoms like a flower within the structural foundation of existence. As we are this energy of existence, this joy is just waiting to be expressed, to bloom within the nature of our being. When you discover your own unique mission through what brings you joy, you can then begin to give this to the world.

This is God in Action!

Do you see how it works? By expressing this innate quality of Joy, we allow the fundamental structures of existence to express itself.

We open flow!

By doing this action, we open the floodgates for the other qualities of existence to come more fully into conscious expression. It is a beautifully designed plan. Joy expresses through you and moves the energy of Source out into Action.

Of course you are here for a reason. You are here with your own very special mission: to bring that hidden jewel of joy out to give to the world, to share with the world. When you do this, the world receives joy. Your light shines and the world receives light. Your love moves into action. Beauty is made manifest and the world receives. The world receives and awakens. Do you see now how it works?

The time is NOW. Don’t delay. Discover your unique jewel of joy today. Figure out a way to share with others and begin. Begin Now. You surely must feel the push/pull of higher frequencies and the need to move into ACTION NOW.

You were born for this time Now.

Share your gift. Share your gift.

SF Source Dec 2017

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