Challenges And Obstacles

We ALL go through challenges and obstacles. YOU have a choice on how to react. – Karin Volo

Challenges And ObstaclesKarin Volo – If today were my last day on Earth and I could share 500 words of brilliance with the world, here are the important things I’d want to pass along to others…

Having gone through one of the longest dark night of the soul experiences where I was forcibly separated from my young daughters for almost four years, fighting a complicated legal battle that kept me in a high security jail without the ability to defend myself, I immersed myself in reading to escape the dismal surroundings.

Although the external reality of my life was horrific, what happened on the inside was transformational. I learned so much! It has become my purpose to help others who are facing tough times and help them learn how to create their dream lives and celebrate joy.

We are all connected and the greatest power in the world is love. Love can transform anything when you truly open up your heart. We are all responsible for 100% of our lives—even if we don’t know it and have been inadvertently creating our lives by default.

You become empowered when you embrace that you are responsible for your life and no one else is. This means you can release the victim mentality, blame game, and pity parties. You take control of your life when you open your heart and mind to how the universe works.

We are co-creators of our lives. We have unlimited abundance and sources of support and guidance that we can tap into. Meditation and a quieting of our minds opens up the ability to receive amazing messages, guidance, and inspiration. Our intuition is our sixth sense and learning to understand the signs our bodies give us daily helps us to understand our higher guidance.

We all have lessons to learn and the challenges we face give us the ability to tap into our core strength and courage. The hardest times in our lives give us the greatest opportunities to grow and develop. When you understand this, suddenly it becomes easier to manage the challenge because you can see the higher purpose for it and find a way to be grateful for it.

It’s important to connect to our Source. When we can live in a state of allowing love to flow freely through us, we become a powerful force that can move mountains! Forgiveness is one of the most powerful tools or methods because it unlocks the chains that are around your heart and that are holding you back from reaching your greatest potential. When you forgive someone, you pour love into the situation and can transform it into something that serves you instead of blocks you from reaching your highest potential.

Hope is what will propel us forward in our lives and help us to remain positive, regardless of what the circumstances might be. Joy comes from within our hearts and we can make a conscious choice to live joyfully! We are all amazing and unique individuals who are having an incredible life experience that no one else on the planet is having! Love yourself for that!

SF Source Inspire Me Today Jul 2023

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