How to Live a Less Disposable Life

disposable wasteOne of the repercussions of living in a material world with so many options in clothing, food and lifestyle products is that society produces an incredible amount of disposable waste – some of it avoidable. With environmental concerns now firmly on the radar, the amount of waste humans produce has become a worldwide issue that is raising awareness of how to act in an eco-friendly fashion. While plenty of trash is unavoidable, consider these tips that’ll reduce the amount of disposable waste that you produce as you go about your day-to-day life.

Carry Your Own Items

Vague as it sounds, this is an excellent way of reducing waste. If you like to stop off at a coffee shop for a to-go cappuccino in the morning, have it poured into your own thermos flask to save on plastic-containing disposable cups. Carrying lunch with you will avoid your buying food that’s heavily packaged on the go, while a water bottle will stop your contribution to the plastic waste of disposable water bottles.

Adjust Your Habits

Everyone has peculiar habits that can produce waste; the trick is not to drop these all together, but to adjust them so that they’re more kind to the environment. If you smoke, check out this website for vaping alternatives that save on polluting cigarette butts. Perhaps you enjoy cooking exotic dishes, in which case, simply planning your weekly shop to avoid food wastage is a good plan. You don’t need to live minimally to reduce your waste – just bear in mind methods in which you can maintain your habits while being as green as possible.

Boycott Items

With social media and viral content playing such a big role in consumer trends in recent years, it’s easy to begin a grassroots campaign to avoid waste. Consider your options in a supermarket and try and buy foodstuffs that are contained solely in easily recyclable materials, like tin and cardboard. If an item’s over-packaged in plastic, complain to the store, boycott the item and, if you feel strongly about it, take to social media to voice your concern – you never know whether you’ll produce a successful consumer boycott.

Take a Sustainable Approach

Wherever possible, you’ll be best equipped to reduce your disposable waste by thinking through your life and finding sustainable solutions to your lifestyle’s needs. This can be as simple as setting up an allotment and compost heap for sustainable vegetable growth with zero waste, or buying items second-hand so that they’re reused and not thrown in the trash. In most areas of your life, you’ll be able to make small adjustments such as these in order to ensure you’re doing as much as is feasible to reduce your waste.

If you’re conscious that you’re throwing an awful lot out into the trash, or if you feel that you’d like to make a difference in the environmental scene, then these four tips are a great place to start to reduce your waste, meaning you’re being as kind as possible to the world around you.

Shift Frequency © 2018 – How to Live a Less Disposable Life

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