Living Truth And Moving Beyond Fear

Gillian MacBeth Louthan – Every living person on Earth holds a truth that lives deep in the fabric of their soul. A truth that is so interwoven that they cannot separate  themselves from it. A truth that is sharp like a sword but gentle and loving like a mother’s touch.  As we all expand the horizons of what we perceive to be truth in 2018, many layers of past truths are set free to become one with the all that seeks to become more Light.

Truth is a living entity always shape-shifting in form,  aligning only with the evolution and elevation of the human soul. Truth is different for each species within God’s Universe.

Within the human DNA lives 144 strands of Galactic truth which wind themselves around our very souls. As we evolve into a place of seeing truth from a higher perspective and diverse angle we will be escorted into a passageway of time showing us all the colors of each human truth displayed and displaced.  The way we view these truths will shift in direct proportion to our ability to understand what seems foreign  to our senses.

Truth scampers by us as a fleeting shadow on a wall. Truth speaks to us from the molecules within the water that we drink. Truth has become a cruel mistress lately as she shifts and turns like a sharp Mountain Road taking us to the edge of what we know our self to be and the edge of what we will become in the future.

How do we as humans of honor and valor deal with the fact that truth molts around us, letting go of the feathers of justice, letting go of the freedom that we once felt within that truth. Truth has been a good reliable friend for many years. We were once comforted by our truths and now they leave us empty and void.

When we were children our parents often lied to us to keep us safe from danger, to keep us in a place of believing in Magic, and in them as parents. As we grow in future and stature we come to a place that shows us that many of our feathers of Truth and justice were plucked from a different bird.

As we come closer to the vibration of 2020 we will be given hindsight, future sight, insight and all access to that which is out of sight. Many of the truths slip away without being seen, some of the truths dance in front of us seductively lifting the seven veils of illusion, other truths wave at us from the sidelines.

Whether this world is real or an illusion or just a Collective dream-field under construction, does not matter, we must play within these earthly perimeters. Giving to her our all, giving earth our highest heart light. Whether this is our one and only time to live in this Earthly paradise or we spread our self throughout the Galaxy like honey on a scone does not matter. For we as a species are asked to give 100%, and to believe 100%.

At this place and  time  lives a great Deluge of truths that gathers like a tsunami seeking the far off shore.  We are asked to release what we once believed in order to make room for higher truths that serve this time and space. We once believed in a flat world, we once believed that the universe rotated around earth. None of these truths have survived and are only etched in books as a reminder of how truths change thru out history.

Like a child that releases the belief in the magic of Santa we are asked to set free what was once close to our hearts, and allow our human self to grow into a place of bottomless truths. Throughout time we have given a hundred percent of our heart, mind, body and soul to that which we believed to be cemented in the stone of truth. The feathers of Truth have many layers and lacey strands that overlap one another. There are family truths, lovers truths,  historical truths,  neighborhood truths, country truths, planetary truths and so on.

As the galactic human is rebirthed in 2020, a biological progression will occur that allows all that was perceived to be human and lesser than, to fill a place and a seat of Honor. Finally Humanity will reach a place of realizing knowing and remembering a purposeful existence.

Why this profound change you wonder? This code of consciousness was written into the schematics and the blueprint of humanity as a Fail-Safe code, just in case earth could not, did not or would not remember in the fullness of time the exquisiteness of the creation and the power that they hold.

Facing Fears

As we all move thru the frozen restructurings of powerful earth changes, we come to a deep Abyss of ancient primordial fears. Fears run rampant like children on a sugar high at Halloween.  Fears that run so deep  a bottomless pit of despair is created. Fear of life and death, fear of no control over the weather, fear of the future.

So many unrealized Fears float to the surface, like an inner tube that refuses to sink. Why do these thoughts and fears rise to the surface now? What encoding do they hold that needs released for the greater good? What are we being forced to let go in our DNA in our lives and in our thoughts?

Everyday something is thrown our way energetically.  Whether it comes from a family member, deep space or out of the clouds, every day we all face mirror images of our expectations, our fears and often our past lives.

All have become weary as they fight battle after battle like a sea-worn, waiting for some type of enemy to approach. Circumstance and situation steal our peace leaving our bodies restless and worn out. Adrenaline runs high as the loop of fear tightens around our very human necks.  We try hard to honor each and every day and circumstance but it is like drinking through a straw with a hole in it.

Fear steals our peace and often our prosperity. It lowers our immune system and leads us astray. Fear also gives us a strength we did not know we had available. The courage to move thru what life dishes out to us, and become more. The courage to examine all we believe, and when that fails, the courage to go deeper in our soul, diving deep like a pearl diver and retrieving the treasure, that lays deep amongst the fear. When a fear reaches out to you (whether real or imaginary) stand tall and face it. Thank it for its teaching and showing you its truth and then release that fear for its highest good elsewhere. Forgive it and yourself, for all fears are birthed to be cleared.

SF Source The Quantum Awakening Feb 2018

One thought on “Living Truth And Moving Beyond Fear

  1. I believe in turning the phrase As Above, So Below on its head: As Below, So Above. The only life strategy that allows thriving to occur is that of parasitism. From wasp to casino owner, this strategy alone moves us from surviving to thriving. Why? Because the progenitor of this particular universe is a gangster god. Like a casino owner it thrives every day in the poor and primitive platform for consciousness we call duality. Meanwhile, all the rest of use lose more than we win and suffer more than we enjoy. To imagine that this is the first creation is akin to believing the Sun revolves around the Earth. We are a creation of a creation of a creation to the nth degree. Whether Earth was invented by a gangster god, a group of juvenile delinquents or as a reality show for others’ entertainment, our first mistake is to take it seriously, and our second is to think that the addictive drugs of hope and faith do not best serve our overlords. Our parasites are hosts to parasites are hosts to parasites, all leading to the progenitor
    Duality runs on desire as we oscillate between two pernicious influences: our selfish gene and our selfish soul. Our selfish gene is addicted to replication and our selfish soul is addicted to experiences. Sandwiched between them we have no hope of peace or happiness in this world.

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