Now It’s Official: Mood Altering Brain Chip Testing Begun

brainJoseph P Farrell – Over the years I’ve been blogging about the coming mind-machine interface that so many “transhumanists” are enamored of, and even wrote a rather extensive book with friend and colleague Dr. Scott DeHart about it, Transhumanism: A Grimoire of Alchemical Agendas, where we elaborated on it further.  The idea of humanly engineered intelligent life is as old as the Jewish esoteric doctrines of the golem, or hermetic myths of talking statues, or Percy Shelley’s Frankenstein (and yes, I said Percy Shelley’s Frankenstein, not Mary… see my friend Scott DeHart’s Shelley Unbound for a review of the case that Mary didn’t write the novel).

The connecting thread, of course, throughout all these myths, is that humanity is “just a machine” of assembled, and replaceable “body parts”.  Of course, this is not a philosophical view to which I subscribe, but it does highlight the basis behind the idea of combining humans and machines, via various “implants” to the brain, to be able to “access the net” directly and without an iPad, or to control moods, and so on.

Well, now it is official, according to this article found by Mr. L.B.: the U.S. military has begun testing mood-altering chips in humans:

AI brain implants that can change a person’s mood are tested on HUMANS by the US military

What could possibly go wrong? (cough hack wheeze).

Of course, we can all predict what will happen now: we will be treated to the “this is good for us because it will help treat such and such…”  Oh, wait, they’ve already trotted out the “therapeutic value” line:

The US military has begun testing AI brain implants that can change a person’s mood on humans.

These ‘mind control’ chips emit electronic pulses that alter brain chemistry in a process called ‘deep brain stimulation.’

If they prove successful, the devices could be used to treat a number of mental health conditions and to ensure a better response to therapy.

As one can imagine, my high octane speculation is running in overdrive in response to this article. For one thing, it’s one more confirmation that mind manipulation technology is real. It is not science fiction. And with that admission comes all sorts of high octane speculation.

For one thing, there’s the “Sirhan Sirhan” scenario. Anyone who has investigated the assassination of Senator Robert F. Kennedy in any depth will have come up against the very strange and odd behavior of the convicted assassin, Sirhan Sirhan, and run into the fact that psychiatrists were able to hypnotize him very easily, and get him to do all sorts of stuff.

There is also a body of evidence to suggest that we was a classic “Manchurian Candidate” who was programmed by the late hypno-therapist and “brain control” expert, Dr. William Bryan, who even boasted on one occasion that he was the one who “programmed” him.  One psychiatrist opined that Sirhan Sirhan would have been programmable in a few months’ time, given his susceptibility to hypnosis, and to post-hypnotic suggestion to forget the deed afterwards.

Now, however, just take a brain implant, and the months’ of “programming” might no longer be necessary, it can be accomplished with a mood-altering chip. Need soldiers to kill like the Waffen SS without a shred of moral compunction? Take the chip. Need them to forget about the deed afterward? Take the chip.

But none of this, however, constitutes today’s “high octane speculation.” Such possibilities were probably apparent to the readers of this blog before I even mentioned them, and I’ll wager many readers entertained such scenarios as they were reading the article.

What is today’s high octane speculation concerns the (inadvertent?) admission in the article:

These ‘mind control’ chips emit electronic pulses that alter brain chemistry in a process called ‘deep brain stimulation.’

In other words, these chips physically alter the brain itself, and that raises the possibility that such alterations might, over prolonged exposure to the technology, become permanent features of the brain, perhaps making it more susceptible to hypnosis, or “suggestion” by remote electromagnetic technologies.

Couple this with the “disappearing” chip, i.e., with a chip that eventually dissolves or is eliminated from the individuals concerned, and you get the idea. Sneak a few of them into vaccines which one is forced to take, and one gets an even bigger “idea.” It’s this possibility of semi-permanent or permanent alterations that gives me pause.

And if I can think of it, rest assured, “they” can too, and probably already have. (Think Cuban Embassay “sonic attacks” here folks, and the recently disclosed fact that the attacks have apparently resulted in physical alterations of the victims’ brains.)

For my part, my response to these possibilities is a very firm “No!”

See you on the flip side…

SF Source Giza Death Star Dec 2017

One thought on “Now It’s Official: Mood Altering Brain Chip Testing Begun

  1. Very interesting article. We seem to know so little about the brain compared to our other organs. We do know that certain birds have enhanced eyesight because of their developed portion of brain and dogs have enhanced smell, cats with great night vision etc all because of portions of brain being more developed. It is entirely probable that the human brain can also be enhanced in the future and we will all have an IQ of 250?

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