The Wonders Of Herbal Teas

Blood sugarDrinking tea isn’t just something you do at lunchtime. The British have been drinking it religiously for hundreds of years, people in the Far East even longer. But tea is not just any other liquid to help quench your thirst. Many herbal teas are known to have far-reaching healing powers.

The health benefits of herbal teas are wide ranging and all natural, helping with everything from acid reflux to irregular blood sugar, stomach cramps to depression.

Herbal teas and their healing powers

Burdock Tea

Burdock tea has long been known for its power to regulate blood sugar. Patients with liver problems have been frequently advised by their physicians to drink burdock tea regularly, as a preventative measure.

Chamomile Tea

This is one of the most popular of all the herbal teas. Chamomile helps with various stomach ailments like acid reflux (heartburn). It has also been known to help deal with anxiety and nervous conditions as well. Others even go so far as to claim it can help with the common cold. Chamomile has been a favorite of tea drinkers for years as a relaxant just before bedtime.

Damiana Tea

Damiana has been touted as an aid to those who suffer from depression. It also serves as a diuretic and a stimulant. Herbal teas like damania and other teas derived from dandelion flowers work well as expectorants, and improve the overall functioning of the liver.

Fennel Tea

Fennel teas are well known for helping with stomach cramps. But what many people don’t know is that fennel also helps with actually putting on weight, and are prescribed by many doctors of cancer patients. Fennel tea has been known to help increase appetite in those who drink it.

Ginger Tea

Ginger tea is very useful in helping those with flu or cold-like symptoms. It is also beneficial for those with allergies, increasing the blood flow and clearing minor blockages. Many allergy doctors recommend the use of ginger tea to their patients for use every day.

Green Tea

This may be the most famous of all the teas. In recent years, green tea has been everywhere, and nowadays you see it in most every big-box and grocery store. The healing properties of green tea are many, and wide ranging. This tea has been known to:

  • Increase blood flow
  • Fight the flu virus
  • Lower blood sugar
  • Lower cholesterol
  • Fight bacterial infections
  • Work as a strong anti-oxidant

Hawthorne Tea

Hawthorne tea is known to help in cleansing the blood and lowering overall blood sugar levels. It is also known to help with complications of the liver and is famous for being fast-acting.

Lemon-balm Tea

Known for its abilities in dealing with many types of stomach problems, as well as helping to lift the moods of those who drink it regularly.

Rosemary Tea

This flavorful tea helps improve circulation while easing joint pains and headaches. It also contains antiseptic properties so can be used as a mouthwash to alleviate ulcers and to gargle with to help relieve sore throats.


SF Source NaturalNews May 27 2013

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