Another ‘secret society’ among the plotting boyars of Obamadom

secret societyMonica Showalter – The news that a “secret society” of Federal Bureau of Investigation and Justice Department officials existed to undercut incoming President Trump, as described by Sen. Ron Johnson, really does carry a “wow” factor. Johnson said he heard of this based on the word of an informant, and the text messages between FBI lovebirds Peter Stzok and Lisa Page use that exact wording.

Sure, a “secret society” could have been a “joke” as some on the anti-Trump left are claiming. Sure, it’s a “conspiracy theory” from a paranoid right, so these people say.

But it underlines that the age of Obama did bring a lot of secret societies among its elites.

Obama’s expansion and empowerment of big government is probably the most obvious reason why it happened. Combine that with a tech revolution that made everything public, (including even espionage as Bradley Manning splattering America’s secrets all over the Internet attests), and the value of things that aren’t public automatically goes up. Combine that with the left’s firm and abiding belief in its right to rule, forever, as Castro did, and the conditions were ripe for the formation secret societies.

The thing that makes this noteworthy, however, is how foreign it is to the American experience.

Seriously, a ‘secret society’? In a place where freedom of assembly is bolted into the First Amendment of the Constitution?

The ‘secret society’ cited by  both Strozk-Page, and Johnson’s informant, has the weird vibe of Russian boyars, from the era known as the Time of Troubles, plotting against the Czar of all the Russias.

The boyars were originally bureaucrats in its Kievian Rus origins, and eventually became independent noblemen with land rights that couldn’t be abolished by the Czar. Of course they were jealous of preserving their fiefs and powers. So they formed secret societies that eventually went after the Czar.

They closely resemble the bureaucrats of FBI and DOJ who have since become powerful princelings in Obama’s era of Big State, and who retain a patina of “independence” under the guise of professionalism. Anybody surprised that they too have formed secret societies to go after Trump?

Weird, weird stuff in our supposed democracy, which as Russian observers sometimes note, doesn’t seem that much like a democracy at all when you look at the elections and the rights of the political class up close.

And that can only be attributed to the power of an increasingly centralized government, which forms the heart of the Deep State, and which is the hallmark of Obama’s ‘change’ for America. Obama’s legacy seems to be boyars and secret socieites – and who knows how many there are.

After all, we had Ezra Klein’s JournoList, in which elite journalists plotted their collective talking points for the sake of Obama.

We had the Environmental Protection Agency officials writing in pseudonyms to evade Freedom of Information Act requests. Remember ‘Richard Windsor‘?

We had Hillary Clinton illegally using a private server and communicating with officials, including President Obama, under pseudonyms. It raises the question that maybe one reason why the FBI (and that specifically includes Strzok and Page) was so reluctant to prosecute Clinton for her illegal private server is that so many of them were doing it themselves.

And right now, there is Obama’s not-so-transparent political operation out in Kalorama, where his chief consigliere, Valerie Jarrett, oddly, lives, and the president seeks to preserve his legacy if not find some way to indirectly retake power. It’s not exactly open and it’s certainly not in line with what other ex-presidents have done with their retirement.

Secret societies, however they are semantically identified, are a legacy of Obamadom. Getting rid of them will be doable by regularizing laws and ending privileges. Whatever it’s called, it signals that Deep State is real and overdue for a hosing out.

SF Source The American Thinker Jan 2018

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