12:21 Solstice Portal to the Great Central Sun

1212Meg Benedicte – The sacred window between 12:12 and 12:21 provides the most potent manifesting magic of the year….the portal is open thru December 21st while Gaia aligns with zero point energy at the Galactic Center. Many of you are raising your consciousness so that you can be Wayshowers into higher levels of awareness and stabilizers of the crystalline grids. There are many karmic timelines that need to be resolved, closed and dissolved before the New Earth can be fully activated and manifested.

The Cosmos have handed us the perfect ‘fresh start’ recipe to launch our Ascension lives.  We are being encouraged to ‘let go’ of our past and create new realities in our lives. Whatever we initiate during the 12:12 – 12:21 Sun Stargate will ripple into the quantum field of all possibilities. Continue reading