Deconstruction Of The Cross

Energetic Synthesis  April 19 2014

HolyCrossDear Ascending Family, Those moving onto the ascending timeline will experience a more intensely amplified awakening experience as they directly connect into the new phases of the Galactic Zodiac, a 13 constellation Universal Time calendar. Time and space is being reorganized as these alchemical principles activate and transmit their stellar intelligence from the Galactic and Universal planes into the planetary body. This resets the planetary clock shield networks to synchronize to the consciousness blueprint of the Cosmic Clock or Universal Time Calendar. Consciousness evolution throughout Time and Space is organized through Universal quantum mechanics which obey multiple instruction sets (morphogenetic fields). These instructional fields are an architecture which is made upon the many frequency waves of dimensional layers that exist within the holographic blueprint matrices. The instruction sets can be inserted artificially in a person or object to bend the laws of time and space, or remain in the original template design. An artificial design to bend the law would be the example of an alien implant that changes the instruction set. The original instruction set (blueprint) of our DNA is a lattice of pure liquid crystal, an ideal transmitter and receiver of energetic resonance, inter-communication and perceiving a variety of levels of consciousness. The original instruction set is what connects our consciousness to experience the God Source levels of our Personal Christ Consciousness.

What identity we experience as self-consciousness, is a spiritual blueprint that contains intelligent spectrums of frequency which are located at a fixed point in time and space. That position in the field is governed by the laws of the body-form we inhabit, and where our consciousness is capable in that moment to self-realize and awaken to that part of our existence. As we awaken into higher consciousness and access more increments of our spiritual-energetic blueprint, we continually move our frequency location forward through time. We have many different identities located in many different stations of time simultaneously. Every person on earth exists at a different frequency location in time, and their location shifts while integrating their ascending consciousness. These group identities in time and their locations could be called the Families of the Soul, Monad and the Personal Christ selves.

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