Absolutely Relative – 6th / 7th May 2016: New Moon in Taurus

relativeSarah Varcas – The Moon is new in the 17th degree of Taurus on 6th May at 7:31 p.m. U.T. In its darkness we encounter the creative tension between relative and absolute truths.

For those walking a spiritual path, realisation of absolute truth is key. Enlightenment, ascension, oneness with God, are all expressions of the quest to know intimately the ever-present, unchanging unified field of being. But we pursue this quest in a world replete with relativity. All things are conditioned by everything around it and little stands complete in and of itself. Whilst it may well be absolutely true that We Are All One, relative truth is rooted in egoic consciousness which experiences separation and individuality.

To live the spiritual life in the mundane world we must navigate these various levels of truth, knowing when and how to relate to them from the heart as well as the mind. Dismissing loneliness or pain as an egoic illusion overlooks the essential truth that all emotion is experienced at a relative level, where it needs to be honoured before it can be transmuted into the peace of the absolute. To claim that a desire to be treated with respect is ‘just ego’ ignores the fact that ego is the arbiter of relative truth and proportionally acts to protect us from harm and threat when operating in a healthy way.

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