The God Field

aether Owen K Waters – Cleanliness may be next to godliness, but curiosity gets you even closer. We were endowed with our Creator’s sense of curiosity and that is what bestows upon us the desire to understand the nature of reality.

In this article, you will see that a top-down, Creator-based philosophy can provide answers to the mysteries that elude materialistic science today. The key question one needs to ask to unravel the mysteries of the universe is to first say, “How did the Creator do that?”

By looking at Creation from the top down, this article will even provide the answer to two of the most vexing mysteries in the science of physics today: How is light transmitted and what is the nature of gravity?

Creation was achieved by separating Original Consciousness into two distinct aspects – Pure Thought and Pure Love, then setting them into complementary motion. It is the Pure Love aspect that is compressed into this physical realm as the field which forms the very fabric of space. Continue reading

The God Particle

energyOwen K Waters – The God particle has been officially recognized now that the CERN particle physics laboratory in Switzerland has proven its existence.

The God particle, known in scientific circles as the Higgs boson, depends upon the existence of a “Higgs field.” The Higgs field permeates all of space and gives particles their property of mass.

But wait, a field that permeates all space? Gaahhh! You mean like the aether? The aether was widely accepted as a universal field until the late 1800s, when a misunderstanding about its nature led to the idea being temporarily dismissed. Continue reading