ECETI November 2022 Newsletter

ECETI November 2022 NewsletterJames Gilliland – After the Pelosi fiascos, the president showing blatant signs of rapid onset dementia, the Dems saying one thing doing the opposite concerning masks, lockdowns and social distancing (all proving to be ineffective), the pending diesel outage, astronomical gas prices, food prices, supply chain issues, power outages, fast tracking to WW3, the obvious morally, critical-thinking research-impaired leadership – anyone in their right mind has to admit something is wrong with this picture.

Appointing inexperienced people not fit for the job such as a gender-confused fluffy person in charge of our country’s mental and physical health, and a plethora of other social misfits, are obvious examples of demoralization, a method used by the NWO and global elite to take down freedom loving countries.

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“Green” Means “Poor”

Paul Rosenberg – Those of us who aren’t mainlining TV and Facebook have a fairly clear understanding that the rulership of the West is in trouble: their debts are far beyond payable, while the global East and South are starting to pull away. Having only two primary options – system collapse or reduced standards of living – they are opting for the second.

The great challenge facing rulership, then, is to make their flocks accept being poorer… to get used to being poor. And to make that happen, they’re promoting a new religion, which we can simply call Green. Continue reading

Behind the Smoke: The Death Agendas [Video]

EpsteinAlexandra Bruce – After seeing The Truth Factory’s video about how CO2 emissions are beneficial to the environment, this interview with Deborah Tavares on the SGT Report is all the more jarring.

“What I find horrific is the enormity of the PsyOp,” she says. “This is a mind-controlled, trauma-based destructive campaign.”

Officials are telling everyone that Climate Change is the cause of the California fires. Tavares says that in reality, it’s an aggressive roll-out of UN Agenda 2030 aka the Green New Deal, to move populations out of the WUI, Wildland-Urban Interface areas and to ban the future sale of passenger vehicles powered by fossil fuels.

It may not be too difficult, as homeowners find that no one will insure homes in these areas. Continue reading