The Power And Majesty Of The Elements

fireAA Michael – Beloved masters, an understanding of the elements of fire, air, water, and earth, which are unique components, facets or elements of the nature of our Father/Mother God within this sub-universal experience, is vitally important as you seek greater wisdom and strive to claim self mastery. These are the four major elements, which were encoded within the bodily system of the original human form to assist in Self realization and Self mastery on the material plane of existence.

These elements are supplied to all created matter in this Sub-Universe via the great Archangels’ ray-diation of the twelve rays of God Consciousness from the heart core essence of our Father/Mother God.

♦  The Etheric body and Soul Self are attuned to and are fed by the element of Cosmic Fire.

♦  The Mental body resonates to and is energized by the element of AIR /Ether.

♦  The Emotional body is attuned to and affected by the element of Water.

♦  The Physical body is anchored by and attuned to the element of Earth, for the duration of each Soul’s journey into the realms of density, the First through the Fourth Dimensions.

The qualities, attributes and virtues of the seven rays of God consciousness for this solar system were placed within Spheres of light. Continue reading