Roadmap for the ‘Great Reset’

climateJanet Levy – As far back as 1996, Mikhail Gorbachev laid bare the agenda driving climate alarmism: The threat of environmental crisis will be the international disaster key to unlock the New World Order.” He was underscoring the importance of advancing Marxist objectives by creating an emergency to convince people they must surrender freedom to be safe. That idea has been parlayed over the decades into a global campaign of the Left to control vibrant economies, end individual freedom and national sovereignties, and impoverish the world. In America, it is being served up as the Green New Deal (GND).

Author Marc Morano exposes that elaborate con game in Green Fraud: Why the Green New Deal Is Even Worse Than You Think. Morano is a former senior staff member of the Senate Environment and Public Works Committee and narrator of the film Climate Hustle. His book shows how the GND — which dovetails with the U.N.s Agenda 21 — has nothing to do with saving the planet” and is actually about transforming modern America into a centrally planned and managed society and imposing an ideology that will rein in the freedoms of individual Americans.” Continue reading

The Cruel Dishonesty of Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez

Ocasio-CortezNewt Gingrich – It took Representative Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s visit to the border – and her dishonest comments afterwards – to help me understand how profoundly vicious, cruel, and dishonest she is.

When you look at the larger picture, it is clear that Ocasio-Cortez is eager and determined to undermine and destroy America as we have known it. When your goals are that radical, lying is simply part of the game. When you despise American values and find the American people “deplorable” and contemptible, lying is perfectly natural.

The tragedy of Ocasio-Cortez’s type of vicious, deliberately dishonest politics is it sets the stage for innocent people to die. The poignant, heart-wrenching picture of the father and his daughter who died trying to get into the United States illegally should serve as a moral condemnation of every Democrat trying to use the border as a political weapon against Trump. Continue reading

Ocasio-Cortez’ Green New Deal Would Have ‘No Effect’ on Earth’s Climate

climateRusty – A new study published by the American Enterprise Institute (AEI) disputes the idea that the Green New Deal would have any effect on the environment, concluding that the impact on the Earth’s climate would be minimal at best.

The environmental pipe dream brought to you by the Democrat party’s rising socialist would abolish fossil fuels, eliminate millions of jobs, cost households $600,000 annually at an overall price tag of $93 trillion, and do NOTHING to stem the tide of climate change.

“Notwithstanding the assertions from GND [Green New Deal] proponents that it is an essential policy to confront purportedly adverse climate phenomena,” the report reads, “the future temperature impacts of the zero-emissions objective would be barely distinguishable from zero.” Continue reading

The Left Has Ensured that this Will Never be a Socialist Country

american leftSteve McCann – The breathtaking ignorance, unabashed espousal of authoritarian policies and nonsensical concepts by the current poster child of the American Left, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, is a window into the end-product of the indoctrination and resultant mindset of a significant demographic segment of nearly two generations.  While Marxist philosophy still undergirds this mindset, a uniquely American doctrine has become the tip of the spear in what will be a failed attempt in transforming the United States into a socialist nation.

Over the past 170 years, since 1848 and the publication of The Communist Manifesto by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels, the Left throughout the world has succeeded in imposing socialism, and its offspring Communism, on various nations by fomenting and exploiting class antagonisms.   This includes the United States where the American Left has successfully mainstreamed various programs with their roots in socialism, but the nation remains far from evolving into the socialist nirvana they envision.  However, whatever degree of success the Marxist true believers have achieved has taken nearly a century to accomplish. Continue reading