Realignment Is Happening – This Is No Time For Caution!

timeOpenhand – We’re in a crucial opening up phase. The underlying matrix is shifting strongly, whilst at the same time, looking darker on the surface. But don’t be put off, the shifts are creating openings; many are finding the intervention energies within their own being easier to break down and expel — make hay whilst the sun shines!

So waste not a moment, explore into your consciousness deeply; embrace everything that challenges you as a gift to go deeper and unfold more. At this time, I’m reminded of that awesome Interstellar movie that speaks volumes. But I wonder if the key message behind it was truly appreciated? Here’s what I see…

Take Time for Stillness. Purify. Let the Signals Come Through

Benevolence is speaking to us all the time, but so often, the signals are hard to hear in this density — the transmissions get so easily distorted inside the turbulence that exists in most people’s fields — those that have been plundered with excito-toxins due to the daily synthetic reality of our dissonant vibrational society.

Take time for stillness. Purify the inner world, especially what you consume and what you infuse your consciousness with. Open an empty space; find contentment with nothingness. Then slowly but surely, you’ll find everythingness flows through you! Don’t be put off. Nevertheless, the realigning signals get through. If you can keep picking up on the resonances, then you’ll activate more soul consciousness and infuse it. Continue reading