Is Memory Care Covered by Medicare?

Is Memory Care Covered by Medicare?Did you know that more than 6 million Americans are currently living with Alzheimer’s disease or a related form of dementia? These conditions can have a profound impact on memory, cognition, and daily functioning, leading to considerable emotional and practical burdens. As the population ages, the prevalence of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia is expected to increase, making it increasingly important to advance research, improve diagnosis, and develop effective treatments and support services.

If you or a loved one is facing the challenges of memory loss, you may be wondering: Does Medicare pay for memory loss? Understanding what Medicare does and does not cover for memory care can be complex.

In this discussion, we will explore the eligibility requirements, the types of memory care services covered, and the alternatives available if Medicare falls short. Let’s tackle the world of memory care and discover what options are available to you. Continue reading

Researchers Admit That Prescription Drugs Cannot Cure Dementia

dementiaLucy Alvet – Dementia includes some common symptoms such as problems with communication and memory loss, which result from a few changes in the brain. Many health conditions and diseases can cause dementia like Alzheimer’s disease.

According to a research, there are about 47 million people who are suffering from dementia and there will be about 115 million people who have this mental disorder by 2050. As a result, learning how to prevent and treat this illness is very important. Continue reading

Alzheimer’s Disease Linked To Pineal Gland Calcification From Fluoride

“. . . Alzheimer’s patients have been observed to have a higher degree of pineal gland calcification than patients with other types of dementia, and sleep disturbances have been identified as a primary cause of Alzheimer’s disease pathogenesis . . .” C Sarich

DoctorWithAppleAlzheimer’s disease is running rampant throughout the modern world now, but even with pharmaceutical companies spending billions on drugs to ‘cure’ it, they have failed miserably. While the use of coconut oil for Alzheimer’s disease is proving beyond beneficial, the answer to really treating this disease may lie in the pineal gland and the decalcification of one of the most important elements of the endocrine system.

For the past few decades, research into treating Alzheimer’s disease has been relegated to an assumption: that it is caused by the lack of the neurotransmitter, acetylcholine. In fact, most pharmaceuticals made to treat Alzheimer’s patients are acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (drugs that inhibit the enzyme that breaks this neurotransmitter down.)

Big Pharma Fails to Treat Alzheimer’s

These drugs have produced only palliative results, if any, and many of them cause seizures or other neurological issues in the patients who take them. As Sayer Ji from GreenMedInfo so convincingly points out, Alzheimer’s drugs are nothing but patented xenobiotic chemicals, completely alien to human physiology. So – if this is the case, it makes sense to look deeper into the causes of such a prevalent disease which is said to be ‘bigger than cancer’ for the pharmaceutical markets.

Despite failed trials, Big Pharma continues to invest heavily in ‘cures’ that may not do anything but worsen the disease.

For instance, trials of Eli Lilly’s gamma-secretase inhibitor, semagacestat (LY450139), were halted due to below par results. Later, despite reports that results of solanezumab, a neuroprotector that binds to plaque and inhibits its formation, were positive, the company said that it was not going to the FDA for approval, but will conduct a third Phase III trial. The company has already failed three times at creating a “inhibitor that would address this disease effectively. Continue reading

Oxidative Stress And Inflammation Age Humans The Fastest

“To prevent your own immune system from attacking the fatty myelin sheaths that insulate YOUR nerve tissue, begin by filtering toxins from your daily intake. That is the key, plus proper organic supplementation. Optimal vitamin D3 and organic leafy greens are crucial for recovery.”  S D Wells


When people hear the term neurodegenerative disease, they either run the other way and just pray that they never have to deal with it, or they have no idea what it means. When millions of Americans take prescription drugs to cover up and temporarily minimize symptoms of chronic health ailments, they are actually increasing oxidative stress and inflammation, pouring “salt in the wound.” Finally, when people consume chemicals in foods and drinks, and use chemical-laden personal care products, they are fueling the degeneration of their DNA, and when that incapacitates the brain, they can’t even identify their immediate family. It’s called Alzheimer’s disease, and it’s not just for “old timers” anymore.

Will you have Alzheimer’s in 30 to 40 years?

How can you destroy your cells for 30 or 40 years and take a chemical prescription to fix it? You can’t. How can you strangulate your cells and cut off oxygen to the brain for years and then quell the “symptoms” with medication? You can’t. That’s the scam of Obamacare and the “Inflammation Nation.” America is fed GMOs, pesticide-laden food meant to DESTROY insects and weeds that kill agricultural profits. It kills people! Neurodegenerative disease is just an umbrella term for a wide range of conditions that affect the neurons in the brain. These neurons are the very building blocks of the whole nervous system, including the spinal cord. This is oxidative stress after the accumulation of toxins, and it goes highly underestimated — having lethal consequences.

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Four Most Dangerous Toxins To The Brain

“Robert Nash, M.D.,  suggests that the toxic effects of mercury can cause a broad spectrum of brain-related diseases including autism, Alzheimer’s, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease and neurodevelopmental diseases.” ~D. Henry

A healthy mind is a terrible thing to lose, but due to man-made chemicals, the threat of brain function destruction is always present. These are potentially the most offensive perpetrators to the mind, but the good news is that there are easy ways to avoid them.


DeadlyToxinsThe decision to add fluoride to most public drinking water systems as a way to fight tooth decay has perhaps had the most insidious and widespread effect on the brains of people across North America.

The Fluoride Action Network (FAN) has reported on a study which found that fluoride is linked to lower IQ, even at the ranges added to U.S. water supplies. In all, FAN said that 34 studies now link fluoride to lower IQ levels in humans, while many other studies link fluoride to learning and memory impairment, fetal brain damage and altered neurobehavioral function.

One study sponsored by UNICEF found that IQ was reduced at just 0.88 mg/l of fluoride, a level that is considered within optimal range and is added to U.S. drinking water systems that serve over 200 million Americans every day.

Removing fluoride from your water supply is often as simple as installing a high-quality water filter.

Heavy metals

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