Wings of Angels Enfold You in Light

angelsAA Gabriel – To call on the Angels does not symbolize weakness, it shows strength. It takes great courage to ask for assistance. There is a thought-form in your society that says you must “do it alone” if you are to be considered responsible and mature. This, however, creates a great burden for you in your world because there is so much to deal with in worldly life. It is not easy to live in an Earth body, so assistance is necessary in order to live in a happier, more harmonious way.

You cannot look for answers to life’s challenges in the world around you. The answers and the way through are in the higher frequencies available in the light of Truth and Wisdom.

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Signs the Angels are with You 

angelsEugene Light – The Universe sends angels into our lives to guide us, support us, and protect us. Angels are celestial beings that are used to show us divine love.

To show their presence in your life, your angels will send you angel signs. These are special signals from the angels that alert you of their intention in your life.

When you get to know of the signs to look for, you will create an easy way to identify their presence.

Angel signs are quite many. However, some are quite common. These include such signals as special dreams, channeled messages, and flashes of inspiration. Others include angel numbers, special feathers, and profound divine experiences.

The angels will repeatedly send you a sign until they capture your attention. They will give you hints and clues so that they can guide you in the right direction. Continue reading

Your angels are with you

loveThe Angels – We are always here beside you. Never do you live your lives alone. Never do you have to handle a challenge without wisdom, a betrayal without a trusted friend, a loss without a reminder of your eternal connection to abundance. Never do you have to figure out how to solve a problem or create a dream.

Before you were born, angels were assigned to help and guide you throughout your journey of life. You do not need to know our names. In our realms, names are simply a unique vibration of energy. You do not need to worry about what we want from you. We want nothing from you. We want only for you the loving life that you, yourself, wish to create. Continue reading

The heart has its reasons

growThe Angels – While there is nothing wrong with being a “creature of habit,” it is your habits that either enliven you or slowly cause your energy to withdraw from life. Life is meant to be lived openly, as an adventure and an exploration of self.

Life is a never ending series of present moments in which you get to choose your experience, based on your God given guidance and soul-level desires.

Your desires inspired you to grow. Your guidance tries to help you grow gracefully and kindly.

For example, say you desire a relationship. That is wonderful. The desire itself begins to draw life force through you. Suddenly your mind starts to take over. “It must be this kind of person and not that. He/she must look like this and not that,” or sometimes worse, “Forget it. Relationships hurt. Better to avoid them!”

Then you meet someone. Your instincts tell you that you want to get to know them better, but the mind starts chattering, “They don’t look like what we expected. What if they’re not ’the one’? You know relationships hurt, just give up!” You talk yourself out of your natural instinct to get to know them better. In doing so you rob yourself of the gifts life has to offer.

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Clear Spiritual Implants, Negative Beings, And Alien Torture Devices [w/ Videos]

Greg Marra, MA – In this auspicious time it has come clear to me that there is a great spiritual shift occurring. Most of us that are going through an awakening process have come to the realization that there is much more going on in this Universe than what we can see with our eyes and feel with our senses. There is a spiritual battle for the hearts and souls of humankind that has been waging since our origin. Each of us, our soul… that is eternal and infinite, is piece of the integral whole… and part of a grand design of the Universal Mind.

In this three dimensional world, we exist as an observer and participant of a cosmic play. In this relative field of our current reality we are bound to duality (yin-yang). There is hot and cold, happiness and sadness, good and evil, love and hate and so on. In our life we experience all of these feelings, emotions and events based on the difference between the two polarities of these dualities. As we evolve spiritually we begin to sense and understand the true purpose of our being and the karmic laws that govern our lives.

When I was a child I watched a movie called Star Wars. It changed my life! It was an epic battle of good vs. evil. I learned about what was called “The Force” and how a young man learned to use his gift to fight the dark side. Let me tell you that this movie opened a door into what is really going on in this world. The Force is real. We all have it within us. It is everywhere, and each us can tap in and use this power for good.

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