Effective Anger Management: Strategies for Calm and Control

Effective Anger Management: Strategies for Calm and ControlJohn Patterson – In a society that often romanticizes the cathartic release of “blowing off steam” when angered, a groundbreaking study begs to differ.

The research, led by Sophie Kjærvik and senior author Brad Bushman, reveals that traditional methods of venting anger might not be as effective as we’ve believed. Instead, embracing activities that reduce physiological arousal—such as deep breathing, mindfulness, and meditation—is key to tempering rage.

Understanding the Heat Behind Anger

The study, published in the Clinical Psychology Review, delves into over 150 studies involving more than 10,000 participants. This meta-analytic review sheds light on how to manage anger mechanisms. According to Brad Bushman, a professor of communication at The Ohio State University, “Venting anger might sound like a good idea, but there’s not a shred of scientific evidence to support catharsis theory.” Continue reading

Keep Calm – How to Manage Anger

Sometimes, we find ourselves with a short fuse, unable to keep calm in stressful or anger-inducing situations. Our anger can get the better of us, as angerwe lose our temper and struggle to think clearly. If it goes unchecked, then we can alienate ourselves accidentally. We can lose friends, family and even our partner.

How can you treat anger, though? You need to learn how to manage it, so you can live a more peaceful, relaxed life. You cannot let anger define or dictate your future. This is how to manage your anger.

Recognize Your Triggers

Before you try to control your anger, you need to understand what causes your irrational thoughts. Therefore, be mindful of your surroundings and try to recognize anything that causes your heart to beat faster. Make a note of anything, or anyone, which causes tension. Once you have a better understanding of your triggers, you can try to avoid or manage them accordingly.

For Short-Term Anger

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