Ways Apple Cider Vinegar Helps with Weight Loss

1. Cuts Blood Sugar and Insulin

Apple Cider VinegarApple cider vinegar’s weight loss boost is partly due to the fact that it cuts blood sugar and insulin.

When you add it to your daily diet you feel full longer. That means you eat less.

Studies have shown that when people add it to high-carb meals, they feel full faster. This leads to taking in almost 300 fewer calories later in the day.

2. Boosts Metabolism

On top of that, a study showed that ACV boosts the levels of an enzyme that increases how fast fat is burned in the body. It also cuts the amount of fat and sugar that the liver makes. Continue reading

Why The Apple is One of the World’s Most Healing Superfoods

This commonly overlooked superfood protects the body from nuclear fallout, kills a wide range of cancers, and keeps the arteries unclogged — to name but a few experimentally confirmed ways in which the apple awakens your inner physician.


Sayer Ji – “An apple a day keeps the doctor away.” This age old saying has never rang truer with greater promise and authority than it does today. As in the modern era, doctors bring with them a battery of tests, drugs, and interventions, all of which carry unintended, adverse health risks that often outweigh their purported benefits, and are therefore best avoided whenever possible.

While some might take this opening aphorism as mere folk medicine fantasy, the reality is that the medicinal properties of apple are well-documented within the biomedical literature.

For instance, apple consumption has been the subject of quite a few studies on colorectal cancer risk reduction. [i] [ii] [iii]  Other cancers that apple constituents have been studied to kill in pre-clinical research include: Continue reading

Ancient Medicines That Already Live In Your Home

vinegarNick Polizzi – Every week, we receive emails from folks who are eager to get ahold of the jungle medicines that were featured in the Sacred Science film. My first question to these passionate seekers is, “Have you explored the traditional herbal remedies that are available in your neck of the woods?” More often than not, the answer is no.

Yes, there is something intoxicating and mysterious about paddling down a foliage-entwined river to a remote village where there is rumored to be a powerful shaman. But similar practices exist all over the world, and many are available in or near your home.

Today I’m going to focus on three natural medicines that are so easy to find that they may already live in your kitchen!

Garlic – Allium sativum

I’d like to start with Allium sativum, or garlic – not only out of respect for my Italian roots, but because it is quite possibly the most potently practical medicinal herb on the planet. We all know this strong-charactered little bulb for its delicious flavor and aroma, but I’m often baffled by how few people use it medicinally for its plethora of healing applications. Continue reading

Nature’s Most Powerful Antibiotics (Recipe Included!)

Alex Earthie Mama’ Du Toit – Your first line of defense against any virus or infection is your own immune system, and there has never been a better time than right now to learn how to support your immune system naturally.

powerfulCombining 7 antibacterial and antiviral ingredients, the basic formula of this ‘Master Tonic’ dates back to medieval Europe. It is a super cleansing natural antibiotic, destroying both gram-positive and gram-negative bacteria. It is a potent anti-viral and anti-fungal/yeast formula, and can increase blood and lymph circulation in the body. It is also known to be effective for treating colds and the flu, as well as Candida.

Apple cider vinegar (ACV)

ACV contains high levels of acetic and malic acid as well as vitamins, mineral salts and amino acids. Some of ACV’s active ingredients are soluble fibers in the form of pectin, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin C, vitamin E, thiamin, lycopene, niacin, pantothenic acid, riboflavin and beta-carotene. It also contains other minerals like sodium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, iron and magnesium. All of these powerful substances work together and make ACV very effective as an antiviral, antibacterial and antifungal tonic. (Learn more.)


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12 Reasons Why Apple Cider Vinegar Will Revolutionize Your Health

CollectiveEvolution  June 2 2014

“Your intestinal flora are a big part of your body’s immune system. It makes sense then that improving the conditions for the growth of friendly bacteria with apple cider vinegar can help improve your overall immunity. The malic acid in ACV is also a strong antiviral, perhaps one of the reasons people often say they experience fewer colds when they take apple cider vinegar in water daily.” ~J. Roberts


appleCiderVinegarRecently, one of my good friends shared with me her story of how she cured her eczema naturally using apple cider vinegar (ACV). Since she was a young girl, her skin would break out in painful, itchy rashes which she would treat with doctor prescribed and recommended steroid creams. However, these creams had a detrimental effect on her skin over time, and eventually she had to stop using them, being left to deal with the extremely uncomfortable disease. Her quality of life was almost always compromised, admitting to me that she found it difficult being present while living with the ailment.

After doing some research, she came across people`s personal stories about how they cured their eczema and psoriasis with a simple solution of ACV. She decided to give it a shot. In a spray bottle, she diluted a few table spoons of ACV with room temperature water and sprayed her affected area. She said it stung for the first minute, but the results blew her away. In just a FEW DAYS, her eczema break-out had completely vanished. This was all from a cheap, organic, 1 ingredient remedy. While the proper medical studies haven’t been conducted at this point, my friend’s story stood as a first-hand account of the treatment really working. After looking into the matter further, I discovered the massive amount of ACV success stories that were out there.

What is Organic Apple Cider Vinegar?

Real organic apple cider vinegar, is made by fermenting pressed apple juice until the sugars turn to vinegar. Importantly, it should be made from organic apples and be unheated, unfiltered and unpasteurized to keep the ‘mother’ intact.

The ‘mother’ in apple cider vinegar is visible as cloudy strings in the bottom of the bottle and is full of beneficial enzymes, pectin and trace minerals. It is worth shaking the bottle each time before using ACV to distribute these elements.

Alongside all of the other health benefits of apple, substances like malic acid are formed in the creation of apple cider vinegar, giving it antibacterial, antiviral and antifungal properties. This is a big part of what makes it so good for your skin. Let’s take a look at some of the common benefits of apple cider vinegar to see just how it can revolutionize your health!

12 Known Benefits of ACV

1. Improved Digestion Continue reading