35 Reasons You Should Never Be Without Vinegar

Activist Post May 4 2013

I love vinegar. It is non-toxic, inexpensive and with the addition of a few drops of essential oil, it even smells good. Of course you can not use it in cooking that way but heck, cooking with vinegar is way down there on my list of uses.

My favorite use? Easy. Vinegar is the key component in my all purpose DIY cleaner aptly named, Peppermint Juice. More about that later.

But first, I am thrilled to share an article from Joe Marshall also known as ‘Above Average’ Joe at SurvivalLife.com. This article is all about vinegar and the 35 reasons why any respectable prepper needs vinegar – and lots of it – in their survival pantry. Follow along and of course, if you see something missing from this list, leave a comment and share your tip with the rest of the Backdoor Survival readers.

Right now, everyone seems to be quite giddy about the fact that the Dow is marching toward an all-time high. And I actually do believe that the Dow will blow right past it. In fact, it is even possible that we could see the Dow hit 15,000 before everything starts falling apart.

Well, now we have seen the Dow hit 15,000. But that doesn’t change any of the long-term trends that are absolutely eviscerating our economy.

So enjoy this bubble of false hope while you can.

It will not last much longer.

35 Reasons You Should Never Be Without Vinegar

Whether you are storing up supplies for hard times or just want to save a little grocery money on cleaning supplies, one thing you should never be without is vinegar.

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5 Foods To Naturally Cleanse Your Colon

Natural Society March 19 2013

Apple Cider VinegarIt is becoming more well known that the average diet coupled with exposure to countless daily toxins is wreaking havoc on our internal systems. One internal system especially compromised is the gastrointestinal system, with the colon and intestines suffering greatly. Reducing exposure to toxins like smoke, fluoride, pesticides, mold, and chemicals found in cosmetics can help boost the health of your internal systems, but don’t forget about the many dietary solutions you can also implement. Here are 5 foods to cleanse your colon naturally.


Fiber is essential for promoting colon health and making for regular bowel movements. The insoluble and soluble fiber found in dates help to clean out the gastrointestinal system, allowing the colon to work at greater levels of efficiency. Some other benefits relating to fiber and colon health are reduced risks of colon cancer and hemorrhoids. Be careful not to have too many, as dates are very high in sugar. (Here are some other health benefits of dates).

Apple Cider Vinegar, Apples

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