Oracle Report Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Wise Owl Crop Circle

Laura Walker – It’s the New Moon, but perhaps more importantly, it’s 1 Day to Jupiter in Sagittarius.

As Phoenix said on his show (the Patriot Intel Report) last night, we can do this the hard way or the easy way.  I guess the hard way it is.

Let’s pause and consider: Sagittarius is Jupiter’s home sign.  They rule truth, spiritual lessons, the law, legal systems, religious systems, truth-seeking, the hero’s quest, learning, and high aims.

Jupiter will bring reform to all of those things.

Sagittarius is The Archer of Truth.

Over the next year, Jupiter in Sagittarius will combine with the higher energetics that are bathing the planet now (since 2015) to help people who remain lost in deception, illusion, and narcissism – what I call archontic derangement syndrome – find their way out.

If you listened to my recording “6 Days to Sagittarius,” you recall that there is a grand, cyclical sorting process happening where souls are choosing their futures, whether they understand it or not. Continue reading