Timelines & Origin – The Stages Of MU & Atlantis

The Four Creations from the Akasha

John Van Auken – The Mayan-Aztec Four Suns or Ages and the 5th Age of Movement correspond fairly well with the four creations followed by a major change described by Cayce as he reads the Akashic records. He lists these ages in order as: 1st & 2nd in Mu, the Motherland; 3rd in Atlantis, 4th in Eden, and 5th the change indicated in the story of Noah.

In each of the first four creation periods Cayce identifies a new body-type or “root race,” as he called them. Then, the Noah period was the being of movement that would result in a new, fifth body-type or root race that is to appear during the early centuries of our present new millennium.

Here are Cayce’s creations from the akashic records: Continue reading

Lost History of the Empire of Atlantis [Video]

Robert Sepehr – When people talk about Atlantis, they are usually referring to the writings of Plato, the Athenian philosopher who lived during the Classical period in Ancient Greece. According to Plato, massive cataclysms ended a powerful civilization 11,500 years ago , which incidentally is the same date anthropologists recognize as the end of the Pleistocene and start of our current Holocene age. Continue reading

Bizarre Secret Files Released on Lost Ancient Human Civilizations…[Video]

theranosAlexandra Bruce – Jimmy from Bright Insight is back to discuss ‘The Adam and Eve Story’, a book by Chan Thomas published in 1965, which for reasons not clear became classified by the CIA. In 2013, 20% of this book was declassified – of course, leading to intense speculation as to the contents of the remaining 80%.

Citing enigmas like Atlantis, the Great Pyramid of Giza, Easter Island, Tiahuanaco and Baalbek, the book discusses lost ancient human civilizations and the global cataclysms that caused them to vanish with barely a trace, including Earth Crust Displacement, bolide impacts and emanations from the planetary core. Continue reading

Things You Might Not Know About Atlantis

atlantisAlanna Ketler – Atlantis, the intriguing mystery that leaves many of us curious to learn more, and some of us skeptical and dismissive. What is it about this lost city that leaves so many of us questioning much of what we have been taught to believe? Is there some truth to the story of Atlantis that we inherently know, deep down inside that is true? Are we connected in some way to this mythical place from, perhaps our past lives?

These questions are fun to ponder, but we are unlikely to get any definite answers, at least not yet.

First, Some History

How much do you know about Atlantis? Where does this story even come from? From what we do know, the first known documentation of the story of Atlantis came from the Greek philosopher, Plato in two of his writings, Timaeus and Critias, both these books date back to about 360 BC. Within these books, Plato wrote that the Greek sage, Solon was given the story of Atlantis in Egypt by a priest and upon his arrival back to Greece, he shared the story with his relative, Dropides who passed it down to his son Critias, who then passed it down to his grandson – also names Critias, who then finally shared it with the well-known Greek philosopher, Socrates. Continue reading

Tamils, Sumerians, And Antarctic Strangeness

 AntarcticaJoseph P Farrell – Every now and then I receive an article from the “Gizars” that goes straight into the “Finals” folder, because I know when I glance through the email that I’m going to blog about it. In this case, the article was spotted by Mr. V.T., whom regular readers here will recognize as one of the regular “article finders and contributors”. And readers will understand that any mention of the ancient (and still existent) Tamil people of southern India and of Sumer and Sumerians in the same context as “Antarctica” is going to raise my “suspicion antennae” into the red zone.

In this case, this is a story that was just brought to my attention, and I must confess that I am not familiar with the research of the people mentioned in the article. Like everything else in this “high octane speculation universe,” exercise imagination, and caution. But once the reader has read the two parts of this article, I am certain that I won’t even have to write anything further about why I am blogging about it today, though of course I’ll mention it anyway.

Here’s the two parts of the article: Continue reading