The Enormous Scale of Creation

infiniteOwen K Waters – In the Middle Ages, most people worked the land. They were peasants who rarely ventured far away from their place of birth, so their concept of the world was quite small. Likewise, their concept of God the Creator was small in scale. To them, God was an all-powerful, wise, elderly, human-like figure who lived somewhere above them and would, one day, judge them in person.

People, at the time, didn’t realize the massive size of the planet upon which they stood. To them, most of their universe could be seen from the top of the nearest hill. Today, with cosmology and the Hubble telescope to help us, our view of the size of the universe has been stretched farther and farther.

What we have learned, since the Middle Ages, includes these realizations:

1. The Earth is not the center of the universe. Apparently, when this was discovered, it came as quite a shock. Continue reading

Hilarion ~ September 6-13, 2015

nowThere has been a shift in the energies of the Earth and within you. You have stood on the threshold of two worlds, and have made your choice. You have recommitted to the growth and evolution of your soul and this has brought you to the greater frequencies that now enfold you. There is a new aspect of your total being that is now coming to the surface. Many of you are still in the throes of purification, the purification of the four lower bodies and will continue to experience the effects of this cleansing process. Some of you are sometimes shocked at the words and thoughts that come into your awareness…this is your ego mind trying to bring you back into its control through the attempted distraction of your renewed commitment to self. The good news is that you now recognize what is occurring and are able to counteract by changing those thoughts as they happen. You are truly becoming the alchemists, changing the lead of the lower dimensions of life experience into the purified gold of your Holy Christ Self.

Loving others is an integral part of your spiritual being. Sometimes, your words and actions may seem to you to be rather extreme, but then you are surprised by the positive effect that these produce in others. This is you speaking your truth, without heat, in total detachment, and you are being heard. For some of you, this is a new experience, being heard and seen by those who surround you in the physical realm. This is a direct result of you giving love and kindness to yourself, knowing that you are worth it. When one loves self in a non-egotistical way, only good can come of it. By balancing the energies of duality in all facets of your inner and outer being, you are creating a new you. By embracing the light and the dark aspects that comprise the spiritual being that you are and coming into balanced acceptance of it, you are achieving mastership of the lower dimensions and moving into the next phase of growth on your spiritual evolutionary journey back to oneness with Source. Continue reading

The Relationship Mirror

“It is not easy to find happiness in ourselves, and it is not possible to find it elsewhere.” ~Agnes Repplier

issuesJafree Ozwald – Everyone here on earth has incarnated to accomplish one major thing. We are here to transcend our limiting beliefs, unhealthy addictions, and feelings of lack, being unlovable and unworthy of what we want. We are here to find the Source of Love within ourselves, discover that we are infinite beings capable of manifesting the most miraculous experiences, and are on an eternal journey through a multi-dimensional, multi-sensual reality we are co-creating each moment. We are here to unravel our selves intimately with each other and use the reflection we receive back to be a guide towards reaching our highest most enlightening state of consciousness.

When it comes down to it, we all want to discover a much more enlightened approach to life, a more wholesome connected way of experiencing others, reality and ourselves. Everyone has karma and deep dark personal issues they are dealing with. You wouldn’t be born on Earth if you didn’t. Whatever issues you have inside you are here to awaken you to your greatness. These issues are instigators and initiators of a deeper understanding of the divine being you really are. Without your issues, you would be an unemotional, bland, one dimensional being, who doesn’t have much flavor. Your issues provide you with a little salt, so that you taste amazing for the rest of us to enjoy.

Our personal issues are dark, powerful and precious. We feel they are like festering wounds, so we keep them hidden from sight so that nobody can touch them, especially ourselves. We then get occupied and distracted with a hundred and one things in life, and then years go by and we forget this goldmine of energy is buried here, near the core of our being. These issues are hidden in our tissues, and they can be sooooo deep that its almost impossible to see them unless another light, mirror or reflection is being offered.

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Realignment Is Happening – This Is No Time For Caution!

timeOpenhand – We’re in a crucial opening up phase. The underlying matrix is shifting strongly, whilst at the same time, looking darker on the surface. But don’t be put off, the shifts are creating openings; many are finding the intervention energies within their own being easier to break down and expel — make hay whilst the sun shines!

So waste not a moment, explore into your consciousness deeply; embrace everything that challenges you as a gift to go deeper and unfold more. At this time, I’m reminded of that awesome Interstellar movie that speaks volumes. But I wonder if the key message behind it was truly appreciated? Here’s what I see…

Take Time for Stillness. Purify. Let the Signals Come Through

Benevolence is speaking to us all the time, but so often, the signals are hard to hear in this density — the transmissions get so easily distorted inside the turbulence that exists in most people’s fields — those that have been plundered with excito-toxins due to the daily synthetic reality of our dissonant vibrational society.

Take time for stillness. Purify the inner world, especially what you consume and what you infuse your consciousness with. Open an empty space; find contentment with nothingness. Then slowly but surely, you’ll find everythingness flows through you! Don’t be put off. Nevertheless, the realigning signals get through. If you can keep picking up on the resonances, then you’ll activate more soul consciousness and infuse it. Continue reading

Owen K Waters ~ Being As Well As Doing

OwenKWatersMany spiritual seekers have a nagging doubt about life, one which comes and goes and sometimes troubles them deeply. They intuitively feel that they are here on Earth to help humanity, but they just can’t seem to figure out what exactly they are supposed to be doing about it.

The problem really comes from our current training in Western society. We are taught, from a very early age, to do things and achieve outward results, to build monuments of our outward ‘doingness’ for all to see.

But, what about ‘beingness?’

The answer to the dilemma lies in understanding that there is a difference between doing and being, and your state of being does make a difference. It actually affects the mass consciousness of the world. As pointed out in the article, You Are Changing The World, the research behind the Hawkins Scale of Consciousness reveals the enormous power of just being, especially when you raise your consciousness in order to be the best you can be. You can support literally millions of people on planet Earth just by virtue of who you are, by being a person conscious at one of the higher chakra levels. Continue reading