Conscious Creation of Your Reality

BeliefJames Tyberonn – There is the science behind the Law of Attraction, and that science is the Law of Belief. The Law of Belief governs what you create in your lives.

Within the Law of Belief are the addendums of the life ‘set ups’ you plan and contract to yourself for growth. But the lessons you arrange are met through your confrontation and disciplined effort.

It is therefore essential that you fully realize that you are never at the mercy of events, you are not helplessly fated to face the unexplainable like a ship lost at sea. Masters, neither psychological events nor physical events have control over you.

When you humans fully comprehend the vast capacity of your brain to hold a diversity of conclusive beliefs associated with your experiences, you will see that you have an infinite array of choices. Continue reading

The Illusion Is As Insubstantial As A Soap Bubble

The Illusion Is As Insubstantial As A Soap BubbleJohn  Smallman – Humanity is going to awaken, and you Light bearers know this.  Focus on this knowing, on this certainty, because you are making it happen.

It is God’s Will and yours that you awaken; consequently, that is the only possible and only available outcome.  When you focus your attention on reaching your divine destination, the Light you are carrying on high burns brightly, helping to show others the way.

Living with love and acceptance in your hearts intensifies the strength of the divine energy field embracing you all and further undermines the crumbling foundations of the illusion. Continue reading

Are Psychic Readings a Diagnosis for Disaster?

predictionNanice Ellis – Visiting a psychic can be a fun and exciting experience, and the best psychic readers can offer guidance. However, if you are not fully conscious, it can also be a very dangerous game, and, in fact, psychic predictions can be a formula for disaster.

Firstly, your future is not set in stone – before you lies an infinite number of possible paths, and with each turn “left or right,” and each choice “this or that,” your probable future shifts and morphs accordingly, and since your future is always changing courses, there is no possible way for anyone to accurately predict the journey or the destination. Continue reading

How to Tap Into Your Unlimited Potential

“You are the all-pervading, all-transcending Reality. Behave accordingly.” – Nisargadatta

BeliefJafree Ozwald – Through your entire life you were programmed by the system to believe that you were limited in power, intelligence, and energy. Everyone around you believed they were limited, so they unconsciously passed on their limited understanding to you.

They didn’t do it purposely, your parents truly thought they didn’t always have access to an infinite source of love, healing, and joy which is why they may have behaved less than unconditionally loving with you. Continue reading