The Magical Core of your Being

“Know that the Self is the rider, and the body the chariot; that the intellect is the charioteer, and the mind the reins. The senses, say the wise, are the horses; the roads they travel are the mazes of desire. The wise call the Self the enjoyer when it is united with the body, the senses and the mind.” – The Bhagavad Gita

Magical Core of your BeingJafree Ozwald – The most amazing things that have happened to me in my life all occurred the very moment I stepped out of my way, and relaxed into this eternal moment of now. When the mind is set aside, you’ll notice there is this sense of great trust in the entire Universe. You feel that everything truly is perfect exactly as it is.

From this place you can relax deeply enough to access the innermost core of your being. This is where you will experience yourself as divine, and can know your connection with an all-powerful intelligent energy that is already helping you manifest everything your soul needs on your path to enlightenment. Continue reading

Being Aware In The Life We Live

The key to a better life is being aware in the life we live. ~ Krishna Pendyala

As I turn 50, my intention is to devote the second phase of my life to share my insights learned through my many missteps over the years and the introspection that followed, so that others need not go through the same bumps and falls that I had to endure on their journey to joy, fulfillment and peace.

I truly believe that we can create an enlightened society where inner awareness can empower people to thrive in harmony. To generate joy and peace in your life and our world, we need to look at ourselves both as individuals and as a collective. Continue reading

Travelling Within And The Yoga Of Beautiful Living [Video]

liloumace  September 8 2013

Josh teaches Sanskrit, Yoga Philosophy & Meditation, and leads workshops and Teacher Trainings throughout the US and abroad. He is also a licensed psychotherapist with a Transpersonal and Yoga Psychology-based counseling practice, working at One Medical Group in San Francisco, CA. – Source


You Are In The Perfect Place And Time

Jafree Ozwald | Enlightened Messages
November 23 2011

Bhagavad GitaThe moment you realize that the Universe cannot ever make a mistake, you’ll understand how you are always in the perfect place, at the perfect time.

When you stop trying to get somewhere “better” than this moment of your life, you will arrive in Heaven on Earth.  You have been searching and seeking for lifetimes and you are exhausted!  It’s time to let go of all this striving and simply relax into this final destination you deserve.

A feeling of bliss, immense joy, and everlasting peace will instantly arise within you when you truly rest inside and let your mind take a vacation from the search.

The moment you have fully accepted perfection is your natural state, then everything on your “to do” list becomes an adventure in discovering the Divine within. It’s good to know it is always available inside you now.

Take this day to relax and explore your “imperfections” until you see how they are all the necessary ingredients to seeing the absolute divine perfection that is within you now.