Big Tech Hereby Exiles You to Digital Siberia

Big Tech Hereby Exiles You to Digital SiberiaCharles Hugh Smith – The human mind is not particularly well-adapted to polycrisis: we struggle to adapt to the drought, then the earthquake knocks down the village walls, then the tsunami pounds what was left, followed by the epic flooding, then the hurricane batters the survivors, who witness the volcano erupting and wonder what they did to anger the gods and goddesses so mightily.

Now put yourself in the shoes of those tasked with governing / leading the traumatized, overwhelmed masses. If you call a public meeting to hear what the masses reckon are causes and solutions, you find a near-riot of vociferous wrangling over the equivalent of how many angels can dance on the head of a pin: all sound and fury, signifying nothing. Continue reading

Our Two Deep States, One Public, One Private

Our Two Deep States, One Public, One PrivateCharles Hugh Smith – In 2007, well before the term Deep State entered the common lexicon, I sketched the interconnected public-private pieces of the Deep State, which I termed the elite maintaining and extending global dominance.

This diagram doesn’t make all the connections or list all the consequential nodes of influence of course, but you get the idea: elected officials, i.e. “democracy,” play a modest role in the entire structure, which displays remarkable continuity regardless of which politicians and parties are currently in power. Continue reading

Democrats Work on Plan For Big Tech to Shut Down Dissent

criminal enterpriseSundance – An interesting article within Reuters  points out how the Democrats in congress are working with the White House to craft legislation to make “social media companies accountable for the spread of disinformation.”  Or put another way…. The Democrats are attempting to eliminate any ability of those who disagree with them; or worse yet, would outline their corrupt endeavors.

Ultimately this level of control is a reaction to fear.  So the logical question is: what exactly are they fearful of?  Perhaps the answer is in alignment with the reason Democrats have surrounded the capital with military guards, fence and barbed-wire. Continue reading

Big Tech Meets Big Brother [Video]

RectenwaldAlexandra Bruce – Former NYU professor, Michael Rectenwald, author of ‘Springtime for Snowflakes’ and ‘The Google Archipelago’ joins Dan Happel on Connecting the Dots to talk about the history of corporate Socialism and about his own odyssey, from a full-blown Communist academic to now a free-enterprise public intellectual.

This interview is two hours long and I’ve set it to start about 32 minutes in but you may want to scroll back and listen to the whole show.

It’s a real treat to hear an academic with a solid grasp of history and ideology articulating what’s been going on in our culture and unconsciously in our own minds. My academic training in cultural criticism was very similar to his except that I didn’t get a master’s or a doctorate or become a professor but I did land in the same completely unexpected place that he has. Continue reading