The Human Energy Field And DNA

dnaCore Spirit – Every human being has an energy field around their body. Some people call it the aura, or the luminous energy field, or simply the human energy field. The purpose of this article is not only to prove the existence of the human energy field, but also to explore the function of our DNA, the interaction between DNA and the unified field, and the influence of the human energy field on that relationship.

Ultimately, if the science is indeed correct, this is a first step to health, healing, and possibly human evolution.

“If you want to find the secrets of the universe, think in terms of energy, frequency and vibration.” – Nikola Tesla

Human Energy Field and DNA – The Origin of Health

In the Western world our doctors go through almost a decade of schooling, and in that time they become masters of human biology, anatomy, and physiology. They become adept at understanding disease, and diagnosing all forms of illness, yet in a large majority of cases, what is their prescription? Drugs or Surgery. Continue reading

The Big Lie Of Genetics Exposed

GovtSlaves  September 28 2013

The curse of being a critical thinker is that you can’t turn it off, I’ve discovered. So you become a critical thinker about everything you’ve been told or taught, and as it turns out, most of what we’ve all been taught about genetics is a lie.

But don’t take my word for it. Join me as we take an honest, critical look at genetics using the same kind of skepticism scientists demand we invoke when looking at medicinal herbs or acupuncture.

Genetics is an attempt by materialistic scientists to offer a purely materialist view of inheritance and development of not just physical bodies but non-physical inherited attributes such as instinctive behaviors and cellular function.

According to the theory of genetics, physical gene sequences contained in chromosomes found in each cell in your body are a “blueprint” for all your body’s physical structures, biochemical functions and inherited behavioral patterns. This blueprint, the theory goes, contains ALL the instructions needed to create a complete human form with all its physical structures, physiological functions and inherited behaviors fully represented and complete.

Because of the enormous complexity of the human body, organ function, cell structures and instinctive behaviors, it was once believed that humans must possess somewhere around 2 million protein-coding genes. The Human Genome Project was launched in 1990 with the widespread belief that when it was finished, it would “unlock” all the mysteries of the origins of disease in humans. It was also believed that when the human genome fully mapped, scientists would be able to create humans in any form they wanted, including humans with extra arms or legs, humans free of all disease, humans with “enhanced” physical powers, and so on.

At the start of the Human Genome Project, everybody “knew” that humans were far more complex than, say, a roundworm, which only has about 20,000 protein-coding genes. This is why estimates of the number of genes in a human ranged from 100,000 to 2 million. Scientists were absolutely sure that humans were far more complex than a tiny roundworm, and therefore humans needed far more genes.

The Human Genome Project suffers an “epic fail”

The first draft of the Human Genome Project was published in the year 2,000. Far from being a breakthrough that would end all human disease, its findings utterly shattered the mythology of genetics as the sole explanation for all inheritance and physical development. Why? Because the Human Genome Project found that humans have only about 20,000 protein-coding genes, roughly the same number as the roundworm.

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Human Evolution: The Body’s Intelligence

Psychedelic Adventure | July 15 2012 | Thanks, Annette

Biology‘My body and the Universe come from the same source, obey the same rhythms, flash with the same storms of electromagnetic activity. My body can’t afford to argue over who created the Universe. Every cell would disappear the second it stopped creating itself. So it must be that the Universe is living and breathing through me. I am an expression of everything in existence. At this moment, you are seamlessly flowing with the cosmos.’

‘There is no difference between your breathing and the breathing of the rain forest, between your bloodstream and the world’s rivers, between your bones and the cliffs of Dover. Every shift in ecosystem has affected you at the level of your genes. The Universe remembers its evolution by leaving a record written in DNA. This means that your genes are the focal point for everything happening in the world. They are your line of communication with nature as a whole. The Universe thinks and works through you…’ ~ Deepak Chopra

What’s playing through your DNA at this moment is the evolution of the universe. We tend to think of evolution as a straight line march from primitive organisms to higher ones. A better image would be of a bubble expanding to take in more and more of life’s potential.

The force of evolution is infinite, but it can work only with what the observer bring to it. A mind closed off to love, for example, will look out on a loveless world and be immune to any evidence of love, while an open mind will look out on that same world and find infinite expressions of love.

The Wisdom You Are Already Living – The Body’s Intelligence

1. You have a higher purpose.
2. You are in communion with the whole of life.
3. Your awareness is always open to change. From moment to moment, it senses everything in your environment.
4. You feel acceptance for all others as your equal, without judgment or prejudice.
5. You seize every moment with renewed creativity, not clinging to the old and outworn.
6. Your being is cradled in the rhythms of the universe. You feel safe and nurtured.
7. Your idea of efficiency is to let the flow of life bring you what you need. Force, control, and struggle are not your way.
8. You feel a sense of connection with your source.
9. You are committed to giving as the source of all abundance.
10. You see all change, including birth and death, against the background of immortality. Whatever is unchanging is most real to you.

None of these items are spiritual aspirations; they are facts of daily existence at the level of your cells.

Higher Purpose: Every cell in your body agrees to work for the welfare of the whole; its individual welfare comes second. If necessary, it will die to protect the body, and often does – the lifetime of any given cell is a fraction of our own lifetime. Skin cells perish by the thousands every hour, as do immune cells fighting off invading microbes. Selfishness is not an option, even when it comes to a cell’s own survival.

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Ashes and Snow

EdenMovement | May 13 2012

Absolutely stunning video. Enjoy! ~G

In the beginning of time,
the skies were filled with flying elephants.
Every night they lay down
in the same place in the sky,
And dreamt with one eye open.
When you gaze up at the stars at night
You are looking into the unblinking eyes
of elephants, who sleep with one eye open,
To best keep watch over us.
Ever since my house burnt down
I see the moon more clearly.
I gazed upon all the Edens that have fallen in me.
I saw Edens that I had held in my hands,
but let go.
I saw promises I did not keep,
Pains I did not sooth,
Wounds I did not heal,
Tears I did not shed,
I saw deaths I did not mourn,
Prayers I did not answer,
Doors I did not open,
Doors I did not close,
Lovers I left behind,
And dreams I did not live.
I saw all that was offered to me,
that I could not accept.
I saw the letters I wished for,
but never received.
I saw all that could have been,
but never will be.

An elephant with his trunk raised
is a ladder to the stars.
A breaching whale is a ladder
from the bottom of the sea.
These images are a ladder to my dreams.

These letters are my letters to you.

May the guardian elephants hear my wish,
to collaborate with all the musicians
of nature’s orchestra.
I want to see through the eyes
of the elephant.
I want to join the dance that has no steps,
I want to become the dance.

Feather to fire
fire to blood
blood to bone
bone to marrow
marrow to ashes
ashes to snow.

The whales do not sing
because they have an answer.
They sing because they have a song.
What matters, is not what is written on the page,
what matters, is what is written in the heart.
So burn the letters
And lay their ashes on the snow,
At the river’s edge.
When spring comes and the snow melts
And the river rises,
Return to the banks of the river
And reread my letters with your eyes closed.
Let the words and the images
wash over your body like waves.
Reread the letters,
with your hand cupped over your ear.
Listen to the songs of Eden
Page, after page, after page.
Fly the bird path