Delicious Calming Foods

bodyNick Polizzi – I grew up in my mom’s New England restaurant, and the kitchen has always been my sanctuary. The ritual of making a meal, in and of itself, can bring calmness and deeper connection — but when you prepare herb-infused foods that relax the body, as well as the mind and spirit, you’ve got the perfect dish.

It’s easy to forget to eat… or to eat too much… when we’re stressed. That’s one of the #1 reasons that people experience both weight fluctuation and illness during intense times. Your body desperately needs proper fuel to process emotions, heal tired tissues, and ward off disease. Continue reading

Foods to Boost Your Mood

Brain FunctionAlex ‘Earthie Mama’ Du Toit – How are you feeling? Could your mental state use an uplift? What you are putting in your body could be contributing to the way you feel. I’m sure you have heard the famous quote from Hippocrates, “Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.” This saying is something to live by. Before running off to the doctor, maybe ask yourself can I find something from nature that can heal me.

This goes for mental health as well. There has been a continuous rise in people having mental health issues, such as anxiety and depression. Rather then beginning at the psychiatrists, try looking at your overall diet and add foods that are good for your mood. New research suggests getting the right foods into your diet regularly can shift your mental state. This includes taming your stress, reducing anxiety and fighting off depression. There are certain foods that can help give yourself a mental uplift. Continue reading

Proven Reasons To Eat More Blueberries

BlueberriesGreenMedInfo Research Group – Spring and summer are prime seasons for fresh blueberries.  But there are good reasons to eat them all year round.  Blueberries pack huge health benefits in a tiny package.

Research confirms that eating even less than a cup of blueberries a day helps fend off heart disease, cancer, brain aging, and much more. Here are seven great reasons to eat more blueberries every day.

1. Berries Stop Heart Attacks

According to a study published in Circulation: Journal of the American Heart Association eating at least three servings of blueberries and strawberries every week can save women from heart attacks.

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Readily Available Foods Loaded With AntiOxidants

chemical resveratrolIt’s a known fact that the food you ingest on a regular basis either assists in maintaining a healthy body or creates problems that result in serious health conditions. That’s why it’s important to select foods that are known to provide excellent nutritional support and are full of antioxidants that cleanse toxins from your system.

The beverages, fruit and products listed below have been extensively researched and have proven to have a positive impact in maintaining a healthy system when ingested on a regular basis.

1. Green Tea

Green tea is an excellent anti-oxidant and has been shown to improve blood flow and lower cholesterol. A 2013 review of many studies found green tea helped prevent a range of heart-related issues, from high blood pressure to congestive heart failure. It has also been found to assist in weight loss. There are many varieties to choose from that can be either brewed or purchased in powdered form. Click here for great deals on quality green tea and visit Cuppa Tea Moments to experience their 90 day taste test guarantee. Continue reading

Freezing Blueberries Increases Availability Of Antioxidants

“Blueberries are one of our body’s greatest allies. Their ability to eliminate free radicals protects us from every day exposure to various forms of pollution, including pesticides, sun exposure and heavy metals.” –

BlueberriesNaturalNews ~ Just when you thought that the health benefits of blueberries couldn’t be any more plentiful, new research has found that freezing the superfood actually increases the berry’s nutritional content.

Graduate student Marin Plumb, a food science major at South Dakota State University, found that frozen blueberries are equally nutritious as fresh blueberries, even after six months of freezing.

Plumb’s experiment involved observing antioxidant levels in blueberries frozen for one, three and five months. After comparing the antioxidant content of frozen berries to fresh berries, she found no decrease in the nutritional value of the frozen berries.

In fact, Plumb noted that freezing actually increased the anthocyanin concentration.

“The ice crystals that form during freezing disrupt the structure of the plant tissue, making the anthocyanins more available,” Plumb explained.

Anthocyanins are a group of antioxidant compounds that provide various systems in the human body with protection.

Blueberries may be the world’s healthiest food

“Blueberries go head to head with strawberries and pomegranates in antioxidant capacity,” said Plumb’s research adviser, professor Basil Dalaly, who teaches a course on phytochemicals, the naturally occurring chemical compounds in fruits and vegetables.

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