The Body in the Soul

The Body in the SoulBrooks Agnew – It is mortal to think of the soul existing inside the body. It is immortal to realize the truth. The body resides in the soul. In the context of scholastic teaching that man is composed of body and soul, the question arises how the relationship between these two elements is to be conceived.

Man’s soul is spiritual in nature, so how can such a spiritual principle be related to the matter of the human body? The disproportion between matter and spirit seems so great that it is difficult to conceive how both can be joined in man to form an essential unity. Continue reading

Journey to the Infinite I

mindDreama Vance – You are not your body. If you were, where would you be? Your brain, your heart, an eye? Your arm, or leg? No.

Sit in the quiet and realize you are not your body.

Still the mind. You are not your mind. You are not a thought that comes and goes, or an emotion. You are the observer of all these things. You are the I, the I that exists beyond the physical body, beyond the mind. You are the I that Is. When the physical is gone, the I remains…the Infinite I. Continue reading

How to Feel Safe When Everything is Different

bodyRobin Rainbow Gate – I don’t feel like myself.

Last week I spontaneously did a liver/gallbladder flush.

The jury’s still out for me as to how it went. I saw less gallstones than in the past but it’s been and four days, my back hurts and I’m constipated. I’m a highly sensitive woman and whatever is causing it, I feel…not like myself.

I might be scared if I didn’t feel so calm.

At the very least that is the benefit and gift of doing a cleanse like this: my mind is quiet like a calm lake. Continue reading

Delicious Calming Foods

bodyNick Polizzi – I grew up in my mom’s New England restaurant, and the kitchen has always been my sanctuary. The ritual of making a meal, in and of itself, can bring calmness and deeper connection — but when you prepare herb-infused foods that relax the body, as well as the mind and spirit, you’ve got the perfect dish.

It’s easy to forget to eat… or to eat too much… when we’re stressed. That’s one of the #1 reasons that people experience both weight fluctuation and illness during intense times. Your body desperately needs proper fuel to process emotions, heal tired tissues, and ward off disease. Continue reading


bodyMary O’Malley – You may have experienced the same thing I did when I was young. I became completely caught in the conditioning that said a woman’s value was through the look of her body and if you weren’t small and at the same time have big breasts, you were fat out of luck. And I was fat out of luck.

I once hated my body so much that I abused it with alcohol, food and drugs.

I once hated my body so much that I wouldn’t wear makeup because I had to look in a mirror and if I accidentally looked, all I saw was self-revulsion.

I once hated my body so much I would only wear dark and baggy clothes.

I once hated my body so much that there were a number of years in my 20s where suicide seemed like the only option. Continue reading