Going from Boredom to Motivation

 from Boredom to Motivation from Boredom to MotivationJennifer Hoffman – Being bored is not a sign of laziness, it’s a signal from your energy field that your energy gas tank is on empty and you need a new vibe for a fresh start.

I used to think that being bored meant having nothing to do, so if I had things to do and I was bored, it meant that I was being irresponsible or lazy.

But that is not what boredom means. It is a sign that there is an energetic misalignment between the life we are on and new paths, opportunities, and potentials that our soul is trying to open our awareness to.

Boredom is a tug of war between the mind and the spirit, an invitation to find another way to ‘be’, instead of finding something else to do. Continue reading