Universal Laws Explained – The Law Of Cause And Effect

cause and effectRandall Monk – A common saying from the Bible which relates to this law is “You reap what you sow.”

“Every cause has its effect; every effect has its cause.” — The Kybalion (Hermetic Teachings)

I think we’re all very familiar with this law, which is also known as karma. However, most of us don’t take it into account before we think, speak, or act, which would be like ignoring a posted speed sign while driving. The difference here is that we may not get caught speeding; however, the law of cause and effect ALWAYS comes into play. It most likely will not happen right away, so when we experience the effect we don’t usually put the two together. Continue reading

Luck O’ the Divine

luckThe Angels – Our channel asked us to say something that felt “festive” in light of the holiday that so many of you celebrate today! So in honor of her wishes we’ll talk about “luck! ”

You talk about lucky pennies, lucky charms, Lady luck, the Luck of the Irish! You say you feel lucky, or you’ve had an unlucky streak. In reality luck comes to those who look for it and those who believe in it.

The entire universe is in a beautiful and harmonious vibrational dance. You will always se,e mirrored back to you in the external world, what you consciously and unconsciously project. That bothers some of you because consciously you project very good intentions, but unconsciously you may be harboring beliefs to the contrary. You may consciously want to be lucky, but unconscious you believe “others have all the luck,” or “I never get lucky,” or “luck only comes to those who wait.”  Continue reading

Parallel Worlds Exist And Interact With Each Other

Anna LeMind – The idea of parallel worlds is one of the more favorite topics of science fiction writers, but also a popular subject of interest for many researchers. If you watched the Fringe series, you will remember that there were two simultaneously existing versions of the same world with slight differences between them. It seems that something like this could be possible, according to a new quantum theory.

A group of Australian and US physicists suggests that there may exist multiple versions of our universe, which can interact with each other on a quantum level. Dr. Howard Wiseman and Dr. Michael Hall of Griffith University in Australia, together with Dr. Dirk-Andre Deckert from the University of California, published their so-called “Many Interacting Worlds” (MIW) theory in the journal Physical Review X. Continue reading

Cause And Effect In The 4D Causal Sub-Plane

dimensional The Arcturians – We now assist you to continue your journey through the fourth dimension. Remember to hold the intention of creating a clear portal that unites the third and fourth dimensions with the fifth dimension. You, the members of humanity, are particularly suited for this assignment as humanity represents the link between the Mother Earth and Father Spirit.

Of all the inhabitants of Earth, humanity has primary responsibility for the darkness that is stored within the fourth-dimensional Astral Plane. Therefore, it is the duty of humanity to clear this darkness/fear.

However, even though the humans who live in fear, anger and the need for power over others are primarily the ones who taint Gaia’s aura, it is YOU, the awakened ones, who will clear portals through the astral fourth dimension and into the fifth dimension of unconditional love and multidimensional light.

However, those who do not take responsibility for their actions will not enjoy the return of the energy fields that they have sent out into your world. Because these humans are not evolved enough to connect with their Multidimensional SELF they are not aware of,
or live by, Gaia’s Law of Cause and Effect.

Hence, they feel like victims because “someone” is angry with them, someone wants power over them, which makes them feel afraid. Because they are lost in their own darkness, they are unable to perceive the “circle of creativity” that they have created.

Hence, just as they have victimized others, they have also victimized their selves. This dynamic becomes most apparent in the 4D Causal Plane in which “energy out equals energy back.” Those who still live in darkness have also forgotten that Gaia is a
“free will” planet.

Therefore, any manner in which these dark ones have diminished the free will of others will soon return to them. “Why has their actions not returned to them yet?” we hear you asking. Our response is that there is a greater plane in operation. Continue reading