The kingdoms within

cells The Angels – You are rulers of a kingdom. Every one of you is sovereign over the fate of trillions of individual cells that live and breathe, eat, digest, metabolize, and create within you.

Take a moment and see if you can imagine the vast populations of little tiny beings that make up the body you inhabit. Imagine them working together, signaling each other, taking in nourishment through their membranes, and releasing waste. Imagine the workers carrying the nutrients in the blood stream. Imagine the messengers in the nervous system carrying the guidance to each cell. Continue reading

Cells, Souls, & the good of the Whole

cellsThe Angels – You have more cells in your body than there are people upon your earth.They form a vast and complex civilization. They know that their existence depends upon one another and they work for the good of the whole.

It would be absurd for the heart to say to the toenail, “I am more important than you! Without me the body would die.” If you ask anyone who has lost a toenail, being in heaven due to a failed heart is certainly easier than coping with the pain of losing the nail on earth!

Likewise it would not make any sense at all for the bone to say to the skin, “I am more important! If I break, my person is disabled for several weeks. If you break you heal more easily.” The bone knows that the skin gives it a protective barrier, is more sensitive, and therefore has to heal more quickly.

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Epigenetic Memories are Passed Down 14 Successive Generations

cellsGreenMedInfo Research Group – The past of our ancestors lives on through us: Groundbreaking research illustrates how parental experience is not only epigenetically imprinted onto offspring, but onto an unprecedented number of future generations. Rather than occurring over the elongated time scale of millions of years, genetic change can transpire in real biological time through nanoparticles known as exosomes.

Until recently, it was believed that our genes dictate our destiny. That we are slated for the diseases that will ultimately beset us based upon the pre-wired indecipherable code written in stone in our genetic material. The burgeoning field of epigenetics, however, is overturning these tenets, and ushering in a school of thought where nurture, not nature, is seen to be the predominant influence when it comes to genetic expression and our freedom from or affliction by chronic disease. Continue reading

Mind Blowing Facts About Your Body

bodyThe human body is even more impressive and magnificent than you can imagine.

While we may sometimes look at it and see how weak and fragile it is, we also need to realize the mind blowing wonders we all hold inside ourselves.

When our body works, we do not feel, or even notice it is doing anything special, however, it is.

As we go about our daily lives like nothing is happening, the body is working, using power, and healing.

Here are 7 mind blowing facts about your body.

1. Your brain operates on the same amount of power as a 10 watt light bulb

The human brain uses about 200 kilocalories per day, which equates to approximately 10 watts of power. For comparison’s sake, that’s about 10 percent of the power that it takes to run a 100-watt light bulb. So the cartoon image of a light bulb over your head when a great thought occurs isn’t too far off the mark. Your brain generates as much energy as a small light bulb even when you’re sleeping.

2. Every 7 years your body completely replaces itself

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Ronna Star – AA Michael December 2015 Message

Accessing Your Higher Power Potential

soulAA Michael – Beloved Masters, the Ascension goal for humanity, within this era of earthly experience, is to integrate all of the remaining Soul Fragments of the individual Soul Self within the Third and Fourth Dimensions. This will initiate a reunion with your Spiritual Triad, a Sacred Facet of your Divine Self, which is awaiting your return within the first sub-plane of the Fifth Dimension. This is humanity’s major goal for this round of evolution.

Remember, All Creation—the Omniverse at all levels—is Cosmic Energy, which was sent forth from the Heart-Core of the Supreme Creator. This Energy is composed of vibrational frequencies of infinite variations, which interpenetrate with each other, and yet are separated from each other by the variance in Light frequency patterns. The light/energy of the Creator contains all the components of Creation, and these innumerable Seeded Patterns of Light make up the complexity of the many levels of material manifestation. The terms used to describe the multiple levels of Creation, such as “Dimensions and Sub-Dimensions,” are used to bring clarity and understanding of the very complex nature of the reality in which all Creation exists.

​We have defined the stages or levels of the Ascension process that humanity is currently experiencing as “Stages Of Evolution.” After you return to balance and harmonize your mental, emotional, physical and etheric bodies within the vibratory fields of the Third Dimension, you are ready to focus on the Fourth Dimension and the Emotional-Astral Planes.

Most of the advanced Souls who have incarnated within the last fifty or so years came in with their third-dimensional Soul Fragments already harmonized and integrated, and many came in with a good portion of their Fourth-Dimensional Fragments integrated as well. These precious Souls are the ones who agreed to sink into the density of the third-/fourth-dimensional illusional density so they could become the vanguard /wayshowers who would lead the way onto the upward spiraling path into the entry realms of the Fifth Kingdom. As these brave Light Bearers are lifted up, so are the Earth and all humanity. Continue reading