The Outrageous Power of The Blue Room

The Outrageous Power of The Blue Room

Jafree Ozwald & Margot Zaher – Would you like to effortlessly manifest something FABULOUS into your life from “out of the blue”? People often think that it’s miraculous or unexplainable when something shows up that they desired for no apparent reason at all.

The truth is that science and spirituality are finally coming back together (after being separated over 500 years ago) to reveal the greatest secret in history. These quantum scientists of today are now proving that we are all truly powerful manifesting beings…naturally! Recent studies in Quantum physics have proven two important facts: Continue reading

CERN Takes Another Large Step To The Control Of Antimatter

CERNJoseph P Farrell – This article I found in the links to an article that someone sent me, and it’s all the way into the “apocalypse” end of the “whopper doozie” category, as a quick reading of the article will demonstrate:

Scientists Directly Manipulated Antimatter With a Laser In Mind-Blowing First

Before we dive into the implications of the article, first consider what it has to say about matter-antimatter reactions:

Because they are equal but opposite forms of matter, particles and antiparticles spectacularly annihilate each other when they collide, a reaction that creates byproducts that can be detected in laboratories and that prove antimatter does exist.

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CERN Admits It, Seeks “Contact” With Parallel Universes

CERNJoseph P Farrell – T.S. spotted this one, and if you like me have suspected there is something more going on at CERN than just to discover more particles in the particle pantheon of quantum mechanics, then this is the article for you:

Researchers At Large Hadron Collider Are Confident To Make Contact With Parallel Universe In Days

Now, I point out this article because it’s very interesting to track the collider’s public announcements over time, because I don’t know about you, but to me they appear to shift slightly each time certain subjects come up.

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Concerned About CERN: This Time It’s An AI…

Artificial intelligenceJoseph P Farrell – I’ve been writing off and on on this site, and in one of my books (The Third Way), about my concerns about CERN and its Large Hadron Collider. My “scenario” of wild high octane speculation with respect to the organization and its multi-billion dollar toy has been two-fold:

(1) that the collider is as much about higher dimensional physics as it is about particle physics, and that as such, it might introduce effects in the planet itself, or possibly even the Sun, through hitherto unknown resonance effects, and

(2) that if it was intentionally, though covertly, exploring such effects, that it would have to have, by dint of the case, a massive computing power to do “data correlations” of collider activity with seemingly non-related events: solar activity. terrestrial magnetosphere behavior, even aspects of aggregate human behavior like markets and so on.

That computing power is known and admitted by CERN. In fact, much of that computing power consists of programs – algorithms – to scan the billions of particle collisions occurring in the collider, and selecting those interesting enough for scientists to examine. Continue reading